(18 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

I have found that a little clip attached to the stand works if you can use pipe of some kind attached to the mini smile

there's banking stands available with RE magnets already on them too, the warbirds guy has gtrerat stands, but his site is in vitro right now



(18 replies, posted in Game Design)


7 letters?

1S 2Q 3U 4E 5L 6C 7H

and what's the # for?


(6 replies, posted in Starmada)


If I'm running a convention game, I pick one big ship two small ships per person, generally.  then I'll stay away from ships with lots of special abilities. Just easier to teach that way.

Noel ran an awesome campaign a couple years ago where the ships were designed by someone else and I had to figure out the best way to fight... turns out it was the fighters that won that campaign (big surprise there)

My personal tastes run to the eclectic so I'll build theme fleets but most times I fill up the ship and see what happens to the CR.

If you think about it tho, it's not too odd that you'll have the same amount of hull and one will be much higher CR than the other.  those 1/2/3 weapons don't have much oomph, at least not versus the 3/6/9 weapons, you've got a ton more firepower at 9 hexes than 3...but I'm sure you've considered that...so yes, it is strange smile


(4 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

graydo wrote:

This doesn't seem to be available...

yeah none of the FAQs are around anymore, I think someone picked up the FAQ for Starmada, but there's been nothing done for the others...


(3 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

graydo wrote:

Where is the spreadsheet these days?

fixed link


(0 replies, posted in Cheese)

with or without some kind of fresh fruit.

* NOT the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy


(14 replies, posted in Starmada)

I have played games where there were a hundred or so asteroids. all moving somewhat randomly, and I think they were fun.

You can randomly place rocks from the garden onto the board, then, at the end of each turn, each asteroid rolls two dice, one for direction, and one for distance. if they collide, they stop, if they hit a ship or fighters, they roll to hit.

simple mechanism, and it does take a little cooperation by all to make sure you move the asteroids, but it really doesn't take all that long to move everything each turn.

One scenario I play with that is "Attack the mining facilities" where the defender gets 6 randomly placed minig markers and the attacker has to "land" a flight of fighters on the asteroid simply touch the asteroid during the fighter movement and it's been checked).

That one goes over well at the conventions I play it at.  I usually grab ships from the book, 3-4 per player.

my point is, the more asteroids the better, if you're needing to block LOS.  I do like the GF way too though.


(19 replies, posted in Game Design)

points are a reference, points are irrelevant, points are the devil....

in my opinion, as it was stated on TMP, the points system is a game unto itself.  I can tell you I've built probably thousands of ships, only played with actually a hundred or so.  I just love to be able to say: I want a fleet that looks like ______, or I want to see if the rules will support an army of ______.

That meta game is one reason I started the Bourbaki Basin Boards here, I love to see what other people do.  Sometimes they put up ships with no background at all... sometimes they write vast stories about the ships they post.  I like to read all of it, and if I had more time, I'd play with those ships too. (As a matter of fact, I've taken ships from the Basin to conventions because I think they're viable fleets. esp the ones with backgrounds)

But, I guess you could do all of that without the points system, but I like points systems. I only wish I was better at writing them.


(19 replies, posted in Game Design)

tnjrp wrote:
cricket wrote:

As a dyed-in-the-wool "pointilist" (?)

That word does not mean what you think it means...

I'm not sure how I feel about the sarcasm implicit in this bit from a post on The Miniatures Page

"Implicit" is another word that doesn't mean what you think it means...

I think the quotes around pointalist mean he knows that.

What would you say the definition on implicit is? perhaps: capable of being understood from something else though unexpressed : implied <an implicit assumption>

There are many things I would challenge Mr. Kast on. Words are not one of them.



(23 replies, posted in Starmada)

They like the big hammer style... apparently it captures heir attention month after month becuase they play often.

Not my cup of beer, but if it works for them, then more power to them.

Starmada Rox, no matter which way you slice it!


(41 replies, posted in Discussion)

Well, this is late, but ...

Happy birthday US of A, sorry I missed the party

Well, I deleted your topic on Jovian Chronicles by mistake hdan. I meant to move it to the Starmada forum. Many apologies.

Before I did that, I was going to say that I thought someone had done conversions for JC gundam stuff before???

was it Go0gleplex?  he's a mecha-phile.

fighters fighters fighters fighters

unless you don't do fighters, I can't remember your house rules.


(18 replies, posted in Game Design)

What about "MR"?

or MagRes

Or Charlie


(59 replies, posted in Starmada)

kehrer1701 wrote:

with the proposed rule, is it per volley, per attack, per Captains yelling...

actually, it's per stone-weight of the gamer running the ship. The heavier you are, the better your weapons fire.

Might as well capitalize on gamers' most common trait

There's a decibal to shield correlation there someplace too.


(9 replies, posted in Miniatures)

So, you found MORE minis you'll never paint?

Hmmm bet the wife just LOVES that.  I guess it's better'n buying $250 worth of minis and then finding the old ones when you're looking for a place to stash the new ones.


(59 replies, posted in Starmada)

this was initially kind of a strange thing for me. adding a die roll seemed a lot more fiddly, but in the end I think it manages to simulate "power" (you can take away a shield point on the opposite side of the ship, and call it power-reallocation)


(7 replies, posted in Discussion)

problem has been addressed, the offending IP has been banned


(3 replies, posted in For the Masses)

what I want to know is How did I miss this post?


(2 replies, posted in ARES)

well of course you should get the full version smile

There's also plenty of cross-genre rules and lists available.

We used Ares for a zombie game last year and it worked out great.


(14 replies, posted in Miniatures)

you can get great magnets out of the Magnetics sets you might be able to pick up at garage sales, etc


(2 replies, posted in Discussion)

cricket wrote:

Cooman says the sport has a history of doping "and this incident didn't do its reputation any good."

Well, it figures, I had money on that competition...


(30 replies, posted in Game Design)

Well, I personally don't think the amount of work that it would take is worth it.

A model that might work though is more of an online article-based periodical, one that is user-submitted but "edited" by the powers that be.

Nothing as fancy as a quarterly PDF but the articles could be made available in that format as well.  If users submitted material, and the editor posted that material online (after editing of course, that's what editors do). it wouldn't need to be a quarterly thing, it would be truly periodical as it could wait until there was enough submissions to fill out 2-3 "issues".

Not quite a forum, not exactly a magazine, it's a MAGNUM.


(18 replies, posted in Wardogs)

cricket wrote:
jimbeau wrote:

probably a stylesheet thing. You probably need an IE only stylesheet?

I confirmed the new stylesheets on Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, and Safari...

And the problems being described (links not working, pictures not loading) shouldn't happen because of stylesheets.

I've never had a problem with mj12games.com, but I've noticed that on other sites (Yahoo! for example) the stylesheet doesn't load correctly the first time, but refreshing the page fixes the problem.

Correct, I saw unformatted links ad assumed it was stylesheets.

Now that we're fixed, the wardogs money should come rolling in!


(30 replies, posted in Game Design)

we've tried this before, haven't we?

We decided that there wasn't enough interest to dedicate the time and money to an actual print book, maybe an online PDF would work?

What would it cost to produce such a thing?

Who are the subscribers?

Where are my pants?