(51 replies, posted in Starmada)

Hello everyone,
I have some questions about seeking weapons:
If the ship that launched a flight of seeking weapons has Fire-Control does this FC cancel the "-1" to hit caused by the target having Anti-fighter_batteries?
Do seekers used to attack a fighter flight have a "-1" to hit.  If so, does the presence of Fire Control on the firing ship cancel this -1?


(11 replies, posted in Starmada)

We played a 2000 point Starmada Unity game here in Jacksonville, Florida tonight.
In order to get used to the new rules, I played four of these ships:

SNS Arizona (505)
-Tech: Engines +2; Weapons +2

Screens: 21-20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Hull: 13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Engines: 4-4-3-3-2-2-1
Weapons: 22-19-16-13-10-7-4
Shields: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1

14"PlasmaGuns Triple Turret (6-12-18) 1×3+/1/4 (Pr1)
GHIJK ☐| GHIJK ☐| HIJKL ☐| HIJKL ☐ // (2)

Secondary PlasmaGuns (6-12-*) 1×3+/1/1 (Crn)
HIJK ☐| HIJK ☐| HIJK ☐| HIJK ☐ // (2)

AA PlasmaGuns (2-4-6) 1×3+/1/1 (Dfn)
360° ☐| 360° ☐| 360° ☐| 360° ☐| 360° ☐| 360° ☐ // (3)

Equipment: Fire Control ☐| Hyperdrive ☐| Tractor Beam ☐☐☐☐☐☐ // (4)
Marines : 3-2-1

My friend played a 1000 point & two 500 point two ships.  The game went smoothly.  In the end, all three of my frieid's ships were destroyed and I had one BB left.  My friend's three ships had the Weapon Traits Deadly+Disruptive on them. 
Deadly as a weapon trait made the hull on my ships go away rapidly.  It almost seems like a less expensive version of Catastrophic... 
I am very rusty at playing Starmada and made many errors forgetting to pivot until near the end of the game.  We had fun  big_smile

BeowulfJB wrote:

SNS ARIZONA   (CV=550)   {Tech: Engines +2; Weapons +2}

Screens: 28-27-26-25-24-23-22-21-20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Hull: 15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Engines: 4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1

Weapons: 20-18-15-13-10-8-5-3

Shields: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1
14"PlasmaGuns Triple Turret (6-12-18) 1×3+/1/4 (Pr1)
GHIJK ☐| GHIJK ☐| HIJKL ☐| HIJKL ☐ // (2)

Secondary PlasmaGuns (6-12-*) 1×3+/1/1 (Crn)
HIJK ☐| HIJK ☐| HIJK ☐ // (2)

AA PlasmaGuns (2-4-6) 1×3+/1/1 (Dfn)
360° ☐| 360° ☐| 360° ☐| 360° ☐| 360° ☐| 360° ☐ // (3)
Equipment: Fire Control ☐| Hyperdrive ☐| Tractor Beam ☐☐☐☐☐ // (4)
Marines : 2-1

SNS ARIZONA   (CV=550)   {Tech: Engines +2; Weapons +2}

Screens: 28-27-26-25-24-23-22-21-20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Hull: 15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Engines: 4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1

Weapons: 20-18-15-13-10-8-5-3

Shields: 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1
14"Guns Triple Turret (6-12-18) 1×3+/1/4 (Pr1)
GHIJK ☐| GHIJK ☐| HIJKL ☐| HIJKL ☐ // (2)

Secondary Guns (6-12-*) 1×3+/1/1 (Crn)
HIJK ☐| HIJK ☐| HIJK ☐ // (2)

AA Guns (2-4-6) 1×3+/1/1 (Dfn)
360° ☐| 360° ☐| 360° ☐| 360° ☐| 360° ☐| 360° ☐ // (3)
Equipment: Fire Control ☐| Hyperdrive ☐| Tractor Beam ☐☐☐☐☐ // (4)
Marines : 2-1


(63 replies, posted in Starmada)

Hello everyone,
Hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas.
I am back.   big_smile
I have ordered some copies of the Starmada Unity Rule-book.  I really like what I see and look forward to playing Starmada again.
My nephew & I have begun designing ships.  Also, I plan to bring the game back to Jacksonville and hopefully can restart space gaming up there again.
Will keep everyone posted.

These look great; very creative.
Your CR=531 BB compares well with my CR=550 BB 

Hello again everyone!
Rapier2015, our local gaming Convention here in Jacksonville, Florida will be on Friday,Saturday & Sunday; June 12,13,14,2015. 
The con is at the JIA's airport-hotel where we have had it successfully for the last ten years. It will be lots of fun. I will be running StarmadaNE on Saturday.
Prepare to activate your hyperdrives and set course for N.E. Florida.   
Here is the website for Rapier 2014 http://www.rapiercon.com/
Steven Gilchrist; Jacksonville, Fla, USA

Hello everyone!
We are playing Starmada S:NE  on Monday March 16th at 1pm.
  We will be playing at Gaming Glenns store on Stirling Road in Davie, near Fort Lauderdale.
   All are welcome!

Hello again everyone!
I am visiting South Florida again. Starmada Fleets will sortie!   
We are playing Starmada S:NE again on Monday December 29th at 1pm at Gaming Glenn's gaming-store on Stirling Road in Davie, SW of Fort Lauderdale. We will play several times more during the week.
All are welcome!
Bring your own ships or you may use Minbari, Federation, & Klingon designs that I have made and miniatures that I have.

Hello again everyone!
I am visiting South Florida again.  We are playing Starmada S:NE on Monday November 24th at 1pm at Gaming Glenns gaming-store Dragon's Lair on Stirling Road in Davie, SE of Fort Lauderdale.
All are welcome!
Bring your own ships or you may use Minbari, Federation, & Klingon designs that I have made and miniatures that I have. 8-)

On Saturday Sept 6th, my friends and I played a SNE game here in Jacksonville at the FLGS.  Each side had 5600 points. My friend Jabba6z & I played against another friend who took a 3500 point ship with three escorts. We had eights ships with CRATs of 500 to 1000.
The 3500 point ship had 180 Hull, 180 Armor, Level 3 shields & Thrust=3. This ship & its escorts had many batteries that were Acr, Vlt, Cts with range=18.  Some of these weapons had FX, some FF, some AA arcs.  Formitable. First we destroyed the unshielded escorts, then began the siege of the "Mother Ship".
(For those of us who like the "Big Bang Theory" we named the Mother Ship after Leonard's mother <LOL>)
One advantage we had was that our eight ships were able to surround and sometimes get out of arc of the big ship's FF Arc weapons. Our friend with the huge ship had a challenge deciding which ships to fire on and how many batteries to allocate. This game took just over two hours to play. Lots of fun. 


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

Math Teacher here. Any number multiplied by 2, then by three is increased by a factor of six.
If you design two weapons, one that gets two shots and does Dx3 a weapon with Dx2+Dx2, the first weapon, with the two Dx3 shots costs only slightly more than the weapon with a single shot and Dx2+Dx3.  This slightly higher cost way may refletct the difference of 8 possible shots against fighters vs only 4 shots. This gives evidance to the idea that Dx2+Dx3 = Dx6
Mathematically, Nx2= 2N,  2Nx3=6N, not 5N. Thus I conclude that a weapon with Dx2+Dx3 does six points of damage per hit.


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

This would be my guess:
:idea: A +2 modifier gives you double the number of shots.
Let a +3 modifier give you triple the number of shots and
a +4 modifier will give you quadruple the # of shots.


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

Some of my Heavier DNs have four "Heavy Plasma Cannon" with Dx2 & Dx3.  Each hit does 6 points of damage.  It becomes like a Dx6.   All of my DNs & BBs hips have several "Heavy Mass Drivers" which have Dx3 & Cts.  For each hit, I roll a die & triple the number, yeilding 3,6,9,12,15,or18 points of damage per hit. 8-)
My friends and I here in Jacksonvillee limit weapons to two weapon traits, Acr not counting against this limit.  Maximum range for a ship-weapon is 18. So we don't have any weapons witn Dx2,Dx3,Cts.  But if we did, we would roll a die for each hit and multiply the results by six.  Thus this powerful & costly weapon could do 6,12,18,24,30,or36 pts of damage depending on the die roll.

Hello again everyone,
We are playing Starmada:NE on Saturday Sept 6th at 3pm at the FLGS (FriendlyLocalGamingStore) on Roosevelt Blvd [US17] @ TimmaquanaRoad, near NAS Jax in southern Jacksonville.  8-)
(This store used to be Suncoast Comics & Games.)
All are welcome.


(1 replies, posted in Starmada)

These sound like a good idea.  Also, I would like Dx4 & Dx5 for some larger weapons.


(36 replies, posted in Starmada Nova)

Here is the newest version of my Arizona Class DNs, as of 27July2014:
SNS Arizona  CRAT=800
Hull=58, Armor=58, Thrust=7, (no shields or ECM). Fragile Hull, Overthrusters, Hyperdrive, 15 Probes.
3x Plasma Guns (Acr/Dx2) FX0 6-12-18,  3 2 1 1 1 0 0 
3x Plasma Guns (Acr/Dx2) FX0 6-12-18,  3 2 1 1 1 0 0 
3x Plasma Guns (Acr/Dx2) AX0 6-12-18,  3 2 1 1 1 0 0 
3x Plasma Guns (Acr/Dx2) AX0 6-12-18,  3 2 1 1 1 0 0
12x Chain Guns (Acr/Dfs) TT2 TT2 1-2-3,  12 8 6 4 3 2 1
3x Mass Drivers (Acr/Dx3) CD0 5-10-15,  3 2 1 1 1 0 0 
3x Mass Drivers (Acr/Dx3) CD0 5-10-15,  3 2 1 1 1 0 0 
3x Mass Drivers (Acr/Dx3) CD0 5-10-15,  3 2 1 1 1 0 0 

Each triple 14"/45 MG Turret is represented by three Dx2 Plasma guns.
The CD Massdrivers correspond to the hull mounted torpedoes originally installed and give more firepower to the design in the SNE universe.
The Chain Guns correspond to the 5"/51 & 5"/25 guns providing short-range firepower and AA fire against fighters, drones, and seekers.

Cheers & Greetings from Jacksonville.


(4 replies, posted in Starmada Nova)

Interesting designs.  The short range of the weapons and their slow thrust could make these ships vulnerable to faster ships with range 12, 15 or 18 weapons.  I played a game with a friend who had a flock of slower, shorter ranged ships.  It took a while, but a DN I played that has range 15 & 18 weapons and its DD escorts eventually destroyed the flock and only were hit a few times near the end.  The DN design is here in the B.Basin.
:idea: Here is a thought:  Have a version of each of these ships where one of their shorter ranged batteries is replaced by an ER version that shoots to 15 for the cruisers and out to 18 for BBs.  To keep the costs down, just give the ER weapon fewer attack dice.

Hello again everyone!
I am visiting South Florida again.  Starmada Fleets will sortie!   8-)
We are playing Starmada S:NE again on Monday July 14th at 1pm at Gaming Glenns gaming-store on Stirling Road in Davie, SE of Fort Lauderdale.  We will play several times more during the week.
All are welcome!
Bring your own ships or you may use Minbari, Federation, & Klingon designs that I have made and miniatures that I have.

Hello again everyone!
There will be a gaming Convention here in Jacksonville Florida on Friday,Saturday & Sunday; June 20,21,22.
This convention is called Rapier2013.  The con is at the JIA's airport-hotel where we have had it successfully for the last ten years. It will be lots of fun. I will be running StarmadaNE  on Saturday.
Prepare to activate your hyperdrives and set course for N.E. Florida.  :geek:
Here is the website for Rapier 2014 http://www.rapiercon.com/
Steven Gilchrist; Jacksonville, Fla, USA


(11 replies, posted in Starmada)

"Is there a more elegant way to do this?"

I think there is a more elegant/simpler way.If you listed each mount with a different arc as a separate battery, you could just check which mounts can fire in the direction of the target and add up the dice.  It would be much simpler. 
My favorite personal ships are designed as WW 2 BBs in space; similar to the converted Yamato in Star Blazers.  The USS Arizona design has four turrets/mounts for its r=18, Acr,Dx3 Plasma guns.  These arcs  are FX, FX, AX, AX.  Instead of having them on one line as a single battery, these main guns are each listed separately.  An example of these Four-turreted DNs is on the Bourbaki Basin (Admiralty).
Try this, it is much easier.

Hello everyone,
My friend & I played Starmada today in Jacksonville.  We each had c4300 points of ships.  Most of my friend's ships had Tls & Cts as their two weapon traits along with Acr.  The game took about 1 1/2 hours.  I found that the best way to deal with ships with Tls is to rush them and get into short range.  This increases my ships firepower and degrades the firepower of the ships with Tls. 
It was a brutal battle, but I was able to get into short range by overloading the engines of some of my ships to get out of long range.  All of my DNs have many  "Chain Guns that are range=3 & have Dfs.  This gives them good AA and brutal range one firepower...


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

I am courious,
Why weren't SNE Droves to represent drones on the SFB-SNE ships.  This would be much more like Star Fleet Battles.  I played SFB for many years and you could Not launch all of a ships drones at one time.  Making the SFB drones into Expendable Seekers is a bit strange... :?:


(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

<LOL>  Think of it this way:  The ship was a Klingon D7.  "...we will crush our enemies & worry about repairs later..." Could have been a quote by the D7's captain. tongue


(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

I would presume that the standard rules for Damage Control would apply to SFB-SNE ships.