Not sure I like this new system, I enjoy making individual weapons.
I think Starmada AE is very intuitive, and seems logical.
Roll to hit...
Roll to penetrate shield/armor..
Roll damage.... seems realistic at this level of play.
Yes you roll your bucket of dice a few times but it goes pretty quick. Only when assigning damage to each location does it slow down but you are only playing with a few ships each not huge fleets.
When making a rules system for fewer ships the more detailed the system needs to be. Look at Star Fleet Battles a great systems for ship to ship duels VERY detailed. The more ships you add for each player to control the less detailed the game systems needs to be. Take Fed. Com. each players can or usually controls 2-3 ships, then you have game systems like Starmada and Full Thrust, that handle between 3-6+ depending your players and time alloted. Then you have SFO that can handle a dozen plus comfortably
This new system seems to be geared toward larger fleet battles thats not what I am looking for in Starmada. I like SFO or Starfire for the bigger battles.........