(27 replies, posted in Starmada)

Cool, thanks for the update!


(6 replies, posted in Starmada)

Nice cover! 

We're going to be playing a big-ish game on the 22nd.  Will use full thrust minis for that, but will be using our own designs (and background).  Such good minis.



(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

Great movement options. I like that option 1 is easy to plot.
For option 2, is it ok to accelerate by "0" in a direction to face your ship that direction but keep velocity constant in another?


(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

Okay, cool. What do you think of a "save trait" for seekers. In SFB we used to take armour modules in drones  sometimes to soak up phaser fire. Might be cool but might not be worth the hassle.

All of these changes smells like a new supplement!



(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

mj12games wrote:
Marauder wrote:

DMG is definitely useless against fighters, but IMP has a small niche in taking out either heavy fighters or seeking weapons that have gained a save via their weapon traits.

One rule that is changing: seeking weapon saves are no longer a Thing.

No problem, kind of hard to remember which save went with which trait.

Or course with no saves it's tempting to just go plain Jane and go imp=1, dmg=1, no traits and swarm their defenses. If I take a trait (or higher imp/dmg), I get less seekers for the same price, but they are just as easy to shoot down, so I end up with a lesser attack.



(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

mj12games wrote:

That's a good thought. Perhaps making the discount only applicable to ROF and ACC; high IMP and DMG are useless against fighters anyway.

That could be interesting.  Sort of a different table for ROF and ACC costs for starship exclusive, instead of a 0.7 across the board?

DMG is definitely useless against fighters, but IMP has a small niche in taking out either heavy fighters or seeking weapons that have gained a save via their weapon traits.


(14 replies, posted in Starmada)

On the subject of SFU Unity - is the only way to get Hardcopies of the books to order direct from ADB?



(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

Looking forward to Distant Armada too.

I just picked up the PDFs for the other three Unity SFU supplments today.  Nice stuff there!  I love the adaptation of the base Starmada rules for the SFU ones - most notably the power rules.  Think it might be time to dust off my SFU minis I got for ACTA and play this stuff again!



(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

Wow, thanks for the list Dan.  Those are awesome.  I'm loving all the "armour" related weapon traits!  I also like the new Pinpoint - basically gives you a reroll to try to get the system you want - increases the odds without making it automatic.

The only one I'm not too excited about is Starship Exclusive.  In our group's admirality campaign, that was probably the most common trait taken (and taken to make the weapon more efficient, not to be thematic).  My suggestion is that it should only have a healthy discount for weapons that would have been reasonable to use against fighters/seekers (like decent accuracy 1-2imp, 1 dmg, and relatively short ranged).  If somebody has a high imp or dmg weapon with long range and piercing or modulating - they would likely never shoot that at a fighter no matter what - so they shouldn't receive much of a benefit for it.



(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

Thanks Dan!


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

Hi All,

Just getting back into Starmada - excited about actually playing Unity soon.

Some questions:

1) Do countermeasures work against Seeker flights?

2) If using drydock v2 and the ability to have up to 5 different range bands - when firing a weapon defensively (via the defensive trait) what range band is used (main rules is to use "Medium" range)?

3) There seem to be several weapon traits in Drydock v2 that aren't listed in the main rulebook.  Are these from the SFU adaptation?  Is there one of those books that has all the info, or do I need to pick up all three?



(46 replies, posted in News)

Dan, awesome stuff. Been watching The Expanse and getting pumped to get back into Starmada.  Exciting to see the fine control over attributes based on range.



(5 replies, posted in Starmada)

Awesome, because then it just sets up so many great quotes, like:

"It's a trap!"


(5 replies, posted in Starmada)

Okay, thanks - pretty good way to avoid them then - just overrun!  Very difficult for them to get you once you are in their back arc.


(5 replies, posted in Starmada)

Forgot about a question we had in the game.

Question: What happens when a ship moves through a hex containing a seeking weapon that was targeting it?  Nothing?  Seeking weapon attacks the ship?



(5 replies, posted in Starmada)

Yes, looking forward to KA!

Is the plan to have the same supplement structure as before?



(5 replies, posted in Starmada)

Had a game on the weekend using our own ship designs.  I've attached a shot of the action on turn 2. 

It was Eldar (old school with sails) and NSL (blue) vs ESU (bare metal) and FSE (hadn't shown up yet).

Except for the Eldar, our designs didn't really reflect the ships from Full Thrust (we just like the minis).

We had a lot of seekers in the game - will probably tone that down going forward, as its just a lot to keep track of.  It was surprising how effective the seekers with weapon traits are - very tough to shoot them down.  The Eldar player had some very interesting seekers - MA12 and disruptive.  Repeated volleys managed to strip most of the weapons/engines/shields off the larger ESU ship, so the NSL moved in for the kill at point blank range with their more conventional weapons.

FSE showed up late in a game with some rather extreme designs.  They had a pair of cruisers, each with one large expendable weapon (range 24, Prc2, Focused, Exp, lots of damage and accuracy) - two of them managed to destroy the larger NSL ship in one turn.  So, reasonable actually, because the two ships would have had little left in the way of weaponry - and of course if you roll badly with weapons like that you kind of insta-lose the game.

Eldar player really liked the solar sails - I figure we might include comets more often to have a very athletically pleasing way of keeping track of the solar wind direction.   

Eldar and NSL pulled of the win by destroying the two ESU ships (each player had 500pt fleets), although not complete fair as he only fielded 500pts against our 1000pts to start, and he really could have had 667pts to begin with (things you are forced to do when you realize one of the players is going to be 2 hours late).



(17 replies, posted in Starmada)

Side slips are also oh-so-important using the default movement system.  Its the only way to turn if you want to be flying around at high speeds (i.e. more than your engine rating).


(17 replies, posted in Starmada)

Look in the appendix for the different movement options - I think "free form turns" might fit what you are looking for.

I actually really like the default movement system combined with plotting movement.  If we were playing sequential, I'd probably go with free form.


(6 replies, posted in Starmada Unity)

Okay, cool.  Personally, I think if you are going to design your own defensive systems, better to just leave our AFB.  AFB, IMHO, are an easy way to slap on some defense, but if you are going to do your own dedicated systems, the are just going to add to the confusion for new players (also I believe they get degraded via hull damage, and don't just take damage separately).

The fact that Dropfleet ships have both sets of defenses makes me that much more interested in picking up the rules for a read and then the ships to play Starmada with ;-)



(14 replies, posted in Starmada)

I'm sure I am - I'd also love to just take the format and make my group play by it!



(6 replies, posted in Starmada Unity)

I'm not familiar with Dropfleet (minis look awesome though) at all, but your stats look pretty good for trying out the game. Is there reason you have both the short range def/pnp weapons and anti-fighter batteries?



(17 replies, posted in Starmada)

Of course - stealth is already countered by Mines, shockwaves and the proximity trait on weapons.  So probably not a big priority to find another way around it.

Would be cool if there was a ship system that was able to target a ship and somehow mitigate its: countermeasures, cloak or stealth - like some sort of electronic warfare specialist type thing (kind of like what scouts could do in SFB).



(5 replies, posted in Starmada Unity)

Regenerating screens would be fantastic.  Could either be its own thing or something combined with Repair of systems in general.


(5 replies, posted in Starmada Unity)

IMHO you should put some screens on the front arc and just use a single shield rating all around.  Being harder to damage on the front was due to extra armour after all.

Also, you need some sort of anti fighter/seeker weapon on there to represent the turrets.

Other than that, looks good!
