(57 replies, posted in Starmada)

Finished rules? I always thought that the current rules of Nova ARE finished? Or did I just pay for a beta?


(127 replies, posted in Starmada)

I just found the drydock. Its a great idea and helps to create ships very fast. Allow me to suggest some additional features it could have:

-Firing Arcs - why not having the option to just click at a firing arc diagram to select the arcs of a weapon? So I dont have to memorize the 20 arc shortcuts during ship design.

-Weapon-Traits and Special Equipment - why not just have a "check-box" with the traits + little mouse hovering description what game effect it has - and the possibility to select the trait by just clicking inside the checkbox? So I dont have to open the rulebook every time to find the shortcuts for the traits and special equipment.

-saving to desktop - why is it not possible to save the ship card directly to my desktop? (eg as a jpeg or bmp?)


(55 replies, posted in Starmada)

p46: example for weapon battery SUs, line 7

IMO you have to exchange the 1.51 with 2.22 (FX) but I am not absolutely sure, because the SM Nova ship construction rules became extremely complex for non-mathematicans. (square roots and logarithms? pfff - last time I calculated this kind of math was 30y ago! :shock: )

So there is a release plan? Great. When will the pdf-only version of Starmada Nova be available?

I find it unintuive if a ship can turn its "nose" during flight. I can accept a "roll" like you can often see in movies with warplanes, but not a pivot. And no, I dont care about RL physics because IMO Starmada is game and not a physics lecture. So if it is really necessary to have a pivot, (eg to portray universes like Babylon 5) please make it optional and not in the core rules.

One of the reasons I love Starmada and was able to play it with many gaming friends the last 15y was that it was made for casuals and movement/combat felt cinematically and dynamic like in a Star Wars or WW2 air combat movie and not dry like in 2010. (have you ever seen a pivot in a Star Wars movie?) smile

I would not miss pivots at all.

Regarding optional rules. What I like about Starmada is that there are only a few core rules and lots of optional rules. Usually I take a fat yellow marker and do mark the optional rules I want to use ingame, after printing out the whole pdf. I would prefer only to print out the rules I marked, but this is not possible because often there are rules I like and dislike on the same pdf page.

So my question to Dan: Is it possible to release a special pdf where each single optional rule chapter is layouted on a seperate page? So one can buy the "classic-one-sausage" version and/or such a segmented special version? Or has someone an idea for another solution for this (admittedly rather small) problem?

so if we now can emulate the Eldar solar sails, maybe there will be rules for Eldar holoshields too? (just joking smile)

Dan, maybe you should correct the headlines "news" page on the company website from january to april or so.


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

thanks for the link, o&g, but i fear that is a little bit out of my fincancial capability. smile


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

cricket wrote:

This book has been out of print for years. No downloadable version was ever authorized by our license with FFG.

thats sad to hear. Thanks for the info.

tytalan wrote:

I know that you worked with VBAM for the empire level to add to Starmada but have you ever thought or using Starfire for the Empire level?  I do think the it is a better choice as it is both more comprehensive and more fully developed that what I have see with VBAM.  It is also more complex also.

More complexity than VBAM (which is already insanely complex and unplayable for most people with family and normal working time) is not really a positive sign.


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

No info? Obviously this Starmada book is lost in time and space. smile


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

I remember there was a official MJ12 conversion of Twilight Imperiums ship stats for Starmada. (I guess in Sourvereign Stars edition back in 2001 or 2002) I cannot find it in the current online-catalogue anymore. Does anybody know where I can purchase/download this set? Thanks a lot for your info.


(51 replies, posted in Starmada)

cricket wrote:
Enpeze wrote:

But in the recent editions (eg SX, SAE) Dan focused more and more to vector movement which is now the main movement system, while the old standard is only optional. I am not happy about this change because I think the focus is not like traditional Starmada anymore and I hope at least there will be in the new edition an optional rule for the "old way" non-vector too.

There will continue to be a viable option for those who wish to retain "cinematic" movement.

Thank your very much for this good news.


(51 replies, posted in Starmada)

OldnGrey wrote:
madpax wrote:
Blacklancer99 wrote:

Dan, it may be pure semantics, but in my experience people either love or hate "Vector" movement as Ken has defined (and I for what it's worth agree with). I think if you say that Starmada:Whateverthehellthenexteditioniscalled has a Vector-based movement system, there are some people who will A.) Find reason to complain that Starmada doesn't use Vector movement as they know it, so they are upset, or B.) I don't like Vector movement, so I will continue to use the "old" rules from S:AE, or maybe even C.) I don't like Vector based games so I'm not going to buy that Starmada thing.

Yes you are right. I for my part playing Starmada since Edition 2 in the 90ties. As an oldhand (I even contributet one official ship to edition 3 smile) I dont care at all about this senseless rules about vector movement. In my opinion Starmada is NOT a vector movement system and should stay in this way. In the first (better and simpler) four editions, cinematic movement have been the default movement for Starmada and vector movement was just an optional rule. This simple and clear philosophy that Starmada is first and foremost a game and not a simulation, was what I loved about the project.

But in the recent editions (eg SX, SAE) Dan focused more and more to vector movement which is now the main movement system, while the old standard is only optional. I am not happy about this change because I think the focus is not like traditional Starmada anymore and I hope at least there will be in the new edition an optional rule for the "old way" non-vector too.


(4 replies, posted in Starmada X)

cricket wrote:

No edition of Starmada to this point makes any distinction between port/starboard firing arcs and forward/aft arcs. All are point-costed solely on the width of those arcs.

Thanks alot to you and murtalian for your answers. What do you think could be a satisfying rule solution for such broadside flavored spaceship option? Maybe the "rebate" of 0.6 WP I suggested in my recent post? Or maybe a limit how many weapon batteries/point cost could be put in certain firing arcs?


(4 replies, posted in Starmada X)

I apologyze if I am asking a question which has been already asked here. What I am wondering is if, Starmada X has special rules for ships from settings which require the majority of weapons at the "long side" firing arc (port and starboard) an not at the front arc.

As far as I know, the design point calculations evaluate only the width of the firing arc but not the quality.

For example in the Warhammer 40k setting the absolute majority of weapon banks are in the port and starboard arcs, giving the ship-to-ship combat a age-of-sails flair. The ships in WH40k are much more long than wide, so its logical that alot more weapons can be integrated at their broadsides than in the front.

If I want to recreate such an 40k age-of-sails starship combat in Starmada X, I could not detect any rules for this. Theoretically I could place all weapons in front and have no disadvantage. Are there special rules for such settings?

A quick optional rule fix, could be a WP modifier which is a rebate for broadside weapons (like 0.6 for broadside WPs) Many thanks for help.


(35 replies, posted in Game Design)

A campaign system would be fine. A little bit more complex like Sovereign Stars, but not nearly as complex like vbam. (which is insane IMO) Things I would like to see in a campaign system are:

-Single ship management
-Supply - each ship costs supply points in order to regulate the number of ships a player can sustain and to prevent building up excessive stacks
-spionage system
-economy system which is a little mit more than just collecting resources each turn
-ground forces
-operational command and control subsystem
-different technologies

What I dont need
-ship crew experience (IMO the scale doesnt fit)

thanks for listening.

I would really love to see a subforum for starmada x AND older editions. Up to now we have no chance to post about these old great editions. Of course we have a cheese subforum but this is not really a good substitution. smile


(13 replies, posted in Starmada)

I would even prefer a subforum for each version of Starmada. (Starmada X, SAE, Starmada 2012 and pre-Starmada X) Up to now, the fans of the excellent pre-Starmada X editions have absolutely no platform.

I for my part prefer those simpler older editions to the newer ones, but I cannot exchange my opinions and knowledge about them without producing offtopics.


(46 replies, posted in Starmada)

Starmada: Apocalypse!
Starmada Twelve
Epic Starmada
Advanced Starmada


(13 replies, posted in Starmada)

good idea. One Forum for Starmada 2012 smile and one for older editions.


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

Recently we changed from SX to SAE. The included pictures for the 3D ships (in SAE Sourcebook) are pretty but quite useless if I would like to make some by myself with photoshop.

I am wondering if there any counters for download for the SAE game? thanks for infos.

BTW: the lines and boxes on the shipsheet for SAE are too small IMO, if you are not able to write in very small letters.


(76 replies, posted in Starmada)

While the original Starmada is quite directly in its approach to combat, (roll to hit and then roll for damage) the new combined system seems more abstracted. I am not sure if i like the new system but i surely will try it.

Please allow me 2 questions:
Is there still simultaneous movement plotting in the new starmada?
What is about the damage, once you achieved a hit? Will you first cross out the shield boxes and then the hull boxes?


(5 replies, posted in Starmada)

Great. Well then I´ll disguise my voice to sound like my real secretary and then I will tell myself to call you in disguise of your secretary and then...bingo! (I hope your voice will be one of those new sexy ones smile)