(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

This sounds like a neat idea...  I had recently been wondering how to price mines with maximum deployment ranges greater than (or less than) 6 hexes.


(12 replies, posted in Starmada)

I've been working on some Battlefleet Gothic style houserules for a simplest-style campaign.  My terrain table has a 3/8 chance of no terrain (barring the Exterminatus and Planetary Assault scenarios, which kind of need a planet).  I also changed Nebulae and Dust Clouds to be zone effects (like asteroid field) instead of global effects - making them zones increases the tactical thought that goes into positioning.  I also added a modified version of BFG's leadership rules; Ld values are generated for each ship at the start of the campaign as per BFG rules verbatim, but instead of the BFG rules for Ld tests, a ship trying to use Evasive Maneuvers, Directed Fire, or Damage Control must make an Ld test by rolling 2d6 and getting less than or equal to its Ld score.

The main thing, though, is that your mention of extreme attrition reminded me of a BFG campaign rule: when a ship is destroyed, you can get a free ship of the same type, but its leadership goes down to the minimum value (I think it was 6...  don't remember).  This gives you an incentive to maintain 'veteran' ships, but also prevents total destruction through attrition.


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

Hmmm...  http://www.mj12games.com/forum/viewtopi … olo#p18005 seems to suggest that there were solo rules in the Compendium, but that was a previous edition.  I make do with standard rules when I play solo, though the card system suggested at the bottom of the linked thread looks entertaining enough that I may have to try that next time.

The problem with infantry as fighters is that their range is stuck at 1.  This may or may not be acceptable, depending on the details of the setting you're trying to model.


(17 replies, posted in Starmada)

Good stuff....  went and read Battleshift, and may have to 'borrow' some of their suppression and squadroning rules as well.

I've been using the Basic Movement option for my experiments in ground-based Starmada (namely playtesting the OGRE version someone posted in the Basin, then some MechWarrior and some WH40k of my own design) and it works pretty well.  I'm not entirely happy with how slowly infantry turn, but so it goes.


(17 replies, posted in Starmada)

I recall using an adapted version of Battlefleet Gothic's ramming rules once...  don't remember the details, though.

Regarding Fire Ships: Shipyard allows non-multiple-of-three ranges.  Hence, implementation:

Type: Fire Ship (173)
Hull: 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 7 5 3                           
Shields: [TL0] 2 2 1                           
Weapons : 1:[V], 2:[V], 3:[], 4:[], 5:[], 6:[]
Battery V:   Suicide Charge  TL0,  -/1/-,  2/2+/2/3
Area Effect, Catastrophic, Ignores Shields,   Ammo:(1)

Would probably be nasty with Cloaking...

Ramming could similarly be handled with a range 1 weapon (potentially with a "may damage user when fired" trait).

Governorflax wrote:

And even more off the original point, what about micro jumps such as get in some of Elizabeth Moon's military SF? Would be an utterly different game with timing and manouever much more critical.

That's an awesome idea!  Not sure how you'd implement it, though...


(23 replies, posted in Starmada)

go0gleplex wrote:

Gotta go with strikers or seekers (which are even cheaper than strikers) and if designed with the bomber trait, tend to ignore anything but their target.

That's an interesting point...  if a flight of seekers with Bomber intersects a group of opposing fighters, do the seekers not detonate early because they can't attack the fighters?  That sounds kind of useful.  Also, Area Effect is seconded; I find that combining Area Effect with Bomber/Interceptor can be fairly handy, Bomber for offense and Interceptor for defense.

But yeah, definitely Seekers/Strikers and Cloaking or Stealth.  If you decide to try to do him one better at sitting out at range, use Minimum Range on your weapons for a discount and add a couple of inexpensive close-range weapons in case they close, or use Minimum Range & No Range Modifiers for x1 but an increase in long-range effectiveness.

On a tangentially related note, are there rules (or the possibility of rules) for Stealth or Cloaking Fighters?  Those would help get fighters in under the torrential firepower...

Edit: These might work:

Hornet-Class Missile Corvette Flotilla
Ships: X
Engines: 8
Shields: 0

No weapons

Specials: Cloaking Device, Carrier (22) per ship

Each ship can carry one flight of missiles with the following stats:
Seeker, 4/flight, Speed 15, 4+ to hit, Defense 0, Bomber, Piercing, Continuing Damage

Unfortunately, the spreadsheet I use doesn't like to price flotillas with Carrier capacity and no weapons (says they cost 0.  Convenient...), but my calculations by hand show them to cost about 26.5 points per ship (it scales linearly with the number of ships regardless of whether they're actually in flotillas or operating alone).

Actually, in retrospect, that wouldn't work so well, since you can't launch when you have the Cloak up and missile launch happens during End phase, so you have to survive the shooting phase of the turn you drop cloak.  They're still fairly cheap for the amount of carrier capacity you get, though.

This also brings up an issue I've been having with flotilla space pricing; if a special ability (say, Stealth) takes up 10% of a ship's hull, and each ship in a flotilla has 40 SU, does putting Stealth on a flotilla ship take up 4 SU per ship?  I ask because the Shipyard treats flotilla ships as Hull 1 for this purpose, so 10% is 10 SU.


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

I do recall the arcing weapon thread (http://www.mj12games.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2179&p=17637&hilit=arcing#p17627), but it never really finished...  there were a number of different versions of things along 'arcing' lines submitted and never a consensus as to which one to decide to price (or how to price it, for that matter).

Likewise, going back through most of the archive found only a couple of mentions of alternate area effect flavors, but nothing that really figured out good numbers for them.


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

I've recently started working on a conversion of Warhammer 40k to Starmada, and have found the current Area Effect rules to be insufficient for the variety of area effects encountered in the 41st Millennium.  So, some proposed variants:

Small Area Effect: a small area effect weapon functions as an area effect weapon, except that only effects units in the single target hex, rather than those in the target hex and all those in hexes adjacent to the target.
Cost multiplier: x1.1 to x1.2?  It's only marginally better than a normal weapon, since stacking multiple units in a hex doesn't seem to happen that often.
Useful for: standard blast templates, grenades, "peewee nukes" in regular Starmada

Line Area Effect: a line area effect weapon functions as an area effect weapon, except that only two adjacent hexes to the target hex are effected; the adjacent hex closest to the firing ship and the adjacent hex further from the firing ship.
Cost multiplier: Well, it covers 3/7 of the area of a standard are effect, but multiplying that by 2 for Area Effect yields less than 1, which is unreasonable.  Maybe x1.3?  1.5?
Useful for: flamethrowers in 40k, Traveller-style 'nuclear-powered laser warheads' in standard Starmada


(17 replies, posted in Starmada)

From jimbeau's post regarding rules of the Basin:

2) Design Rules restrictions
a) Ships must be designed using canon Starmada rules (i.e. Starmada X: or Starmada X: Brigade)
b) Exception, Ships may be designed with the VBAM KEB Shield system "

So if KEB is all you're changing, then is probably does belong in Design.  On the other hand, you did mention more houserules at the end.  Up to this point, though, it's pretty certainly design material, since everything is canon.


(18 replies, posted in Starmada)

Governorflax wrote:
BeowulfJB wrote:

It IS Heresy... tongue
But Heretics are welcome here and make this game more fun. 8-)

Glad to hear that!

Another way to make the hyperdrive thing work would be to allow multiple hyperdrives that make campaign travel faster - or escape faster on the field of combat.  Something like each additional drive reduces interplanetary standard travel time by  50%-25%-12%  etc more in decreasing curve for each additional drive, and that each additional drive gives another d6 when warming up to hyperdrive out - 3 drives would give a better than evens chance of always escaping on the same turn you declared warming up the drive.

The space cost would make it more worthwhile for a big ship to carry smaller ships.

Another example in fiction is the ships in Ian Bank's SF books - thinking of Excession here - that are HUGE and can manufacture and deploy smaller ships.

I'd actually considered the multiple hyperdrives theory, and think it's totally workable.  Just hadn't used it because retreat isn't usually something I go for.  It'd be most useful in a campaign, though.


(18 replies, posted in Starmada)

MadSeason wrote:

Ooooh... good idea, Nomad! Yes, projected Fire Control and Countermeasures have a great many precedents in the genre. Plus, you know the enemy would be gunning for your ECM ship.  :twisted:

The real problem would be pricing them...  we (brother and I) had agreed that they shouldn't be able to fit in anything much under cruiser size (or at least they'd take up most of the space in a smaller vessel), we we went with a flat number of SU per 'projector unit' (don't remember what it was, though...  might've been 100 SU for a 5% ability (FC, CM, HD) and 200 SU for a 10% ability like cloaking or regeneration), with projector units contributing to the effected area using the same table as mine factors for minefield size.  We never did figure out a *RAT prices, nor did we get to playtest them before I left for college.  Maybe over the summer...


(18 replies, posted in Starmada)

MadSeason wrote:

Not to mention there might be a hyper-space field that allows a larger ship to "pull" smaller ships through hyperspace with it. Could make it costlier than regular hyperspace and allow attack boat-type craft to begin play adjacent to the carrier. They could also then only warp out if adjacent to a departing ship.

This reminds me of some rules I was working on for projecting special abilities into adjacent hexes, sort of Protoss Arbiter-style.  Never finished them, though.  It'd be a useful option to have, though...  AWACS-style projected fire control, Arbiter-style projected cloaking, EDT station projected hyperdrive, and the like.


(18 replies, posted in Starmada)

I'm a fan of using flotillas and the attack boat tender/carrier option in the Shipyard to model this sort of thing.


(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

Reasonable designs, though the Warspite/Wasp probably doesn't need to have Point Defense twice; I'm pretty sure Point Defense (and similarly Countermeasures) doesn't stack with itself (if it did, it would be kind of broken; you could have a near-total defense from fighters (or, with CM, standard ship weapons)).  Might be a question for the Powers That Be, though.


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

Mine frequently end up in the 2-5 turn range.  I suspect that this is due in part to the fact that we use sequential movement; the last couple of ships moved are almost sure to bring their guns to bear for maximum effect.  We also tend to start at pretty short ranges (under 30).


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

Looks pretty good.  If I were to use it, I'd probably change the terrain table a little (there's a lot more empty space than terrained space; maybe make a 4+ roll to see if there is terrain, and then roll terrain if there is, replacing empty space on your table with black hole).  Skirmish and Supply Raid also look fun; Supply Raid in particular reminds me of Battlefleet Gothic's similar scenario.  I might vary the classification of 'light ship' for the purposes of Skirmish (some of the fleets I use only have engines 5+), and allow anything with a particular percentage of its hull space taken up by Cargo to be classified as a cargo ship (and be worth VP/RP varying by its cargo capacity), but other than that...  good stuff.


(23 replies, posted in Starmada)

Ummm...  would posting them necessarily be wise?  They're the primary reason (as I see it) for buying the setting books, so posting them on the forums could kind of cut into that.

On the other hand, if such Drake notations did exist, I would be the first to applaud their maker.  Provided the Powers What Is let you.


(0 replies, posted in Starmada)

So, finally found an opponent to play with here and got to test my Chaos and Eldar fleets Friday evening.

Eldar Fleet:
1 Eclipse-class Cruiser (325)
1 Solaris-class Light Cruiser (100)
1 Hemlock-class Destroyer (50)
1 Nightshade-class Destroyer (36)
2 extra flights of independent bombers (about 18 or so each), in addition to the Eclipse's 4 bomber wings.

Chaos Fleet:
1 Desolator-class Battleship (332)
1 Murder-class Cruiser (206)

Turn 1: The Chaos fleet advances at full speed (using naval movement rules), while the Eldar advance to just outside of the battleship's long range guns.  The Nightshade does fire one torpedo at the Desolator at long range, but it misses.

Turn 2: Eldar and Chaos both close, the Eldar at full speed and Chaos at around half speed.  The Solaris breaks off to the left while the destroyers and the Eclipse move in on the right.  Chaos fire damages several Eldar vessels, including destroying the Hemlock's only weapon.  The Nightshade fires its other torpedo tube at the Desolator again, which may have caused light damage (don't remember).  No other Eldar ships have gotten in weapons range.  The Eldar bombers continue to close, but can't get in range yet.

Turn 3: The Eldar attempt to close to knife-fighting range, but the Chaos fleet, in a bold move, plows through their line and evade most of their firing arcs; the Desolator gets into the thick of the main Eldar force, while the Murder peels out and past the Solaris.  The Eldar bombers finally make contact, damaging several weapon systems on the Desolator, including the teleporter and destroying two broadside batteries on the Murder.  The Murder's remaining batteries are sufficient to destroy the Solaris at close range, but its anti-fighter systems are ineffective.  While the Desolator's AFBs are equally useless, its side lances destroy the crippled Hemlock and damage the Nightshade, while its forward batteries and prow torpedoes inflict significant damage on the Eclipse.  The Eclipse, in turn, inflicts multiple repeating pulsar lance hits, as well as a devastating teleport attack that destroyed more of the Desolator's weapons.

Turn 4: The Nightshade pulled away to attack the Murder while the Eclipse remained to engage the Desolator.  The Desolator rotated a bit to improve its firing arcs, while the Murder came about to bring one broadside to bear on the Nightshade and the other on the Eclipse.  The bombers were less effective this turn.  Concentrated Chaos fire destroyed both Eldar ships, while the Eldar fire and the bombers inflicted critical hits on both Chaos vessels, but destroyed neither (we didn't actually resolve the critical hits; just did enough hull damage and called it a game).  The Chaos AFBs were significantly more effective, destroying about a third of the bombers, while the Murder destroyed another flight using a forward lance that had nothing else to fire on.

Endgame: Chaos left in possession of the field, all Eldar ships destroyed.

Incidentally, are spoiler blocks possible in this forum system?  They'd make posting ships less space-intensive.

Ships (revised since the last posting on the relevant Bourbaki Basin thread):


Type: Eclipse-Class Eldar  Cruiser  (325)
Hull: 6 5 4* 3 2 1
Engines: [TL1] 5 5 4 3 2 1                         
Shields: [TL1] 3 3 2 2 1 1                         
Weapons : 1:[V], 2:[V], 3:[W], 4:[], 5:[], 6:[]
Battery V:   Pulsar Lance  TL0,  1-2/3-4/5-6,  1/4+/1/1
No Range Modifiers, Ignores Shields, Repeating
[AB]  [AB]
Battery W:   Teleporter  TL0,  1/2/---,  2/4+/1/1
No Hull Damage, Continuing Damage, Ignores Shields, Carronade & No Range modifiers
Special Equipment   Equipment Tech Level: Individual TL
Carrier (176) : Countermeasures :
Point Defence :
Launch:2   /   Recovery:1
Small Craft carried:
Fighter, Eagle:(88) # 1/Speed:6 /Attack:4+ /Defence:3 /Traits:Increased ROF-2,Interceptor, /  Flights:4 3 2 1
Bomber, Darkstar:(88) # 1/Speed:4 /Attack:4+ /Defence:3 /Traits:Increased ROF-3,Bomber, /  Flights:4 3 2 1

Type: Solaris-Class Eldar  Light Cruiser  (100)
Hull: 4 3* 2 1
Engines: [TL1] 6 5 3 2                           
Shields: [TL1] 3 3 2 1                           
Weapons : 1:[2VW], 2:[2VW], 3:[2V], 4:[2V], 5:[2V], 6:[2V]
Battery V:   Battery  TL0,  1-2/3-4/5-6,  1/3+/1/1
[AB]  [AB]  [AB]  [AB]  [AB]  [AB] [AB] [AB]
Battery W:   Teleporter  TL0,  1/2/---,  2/4+/1/1
No Hull Damage, Continuing Damage, Ignores Shields, Carronade & No Range modifiers
Special Equipment   Equipment Tech Level: Individual TL
Countermeasures :
Point Defence :

Type: Hemlock-Class Eldar  Destroyer  (50)
Hull: 2 1
Engines: [TL1] 6 3                             
Shields: [TL1] 3 2                             
Weapons : 1:[V], 2:[V], 3:[V], 4:[], 5:[], 6:[]
Battery V:   Pulsar Lance  TL0,  1-2/3-4/5-6,  1/4+/1/1
No Range Modifiers, Ignores Shields, Repeating
Special Equipment   Equipment Tech Level: Individual TL
Countermeasures :
Point Defence :

Type: Nightshade-Class Eldar  Destroyer  (36)
Hull: 2 1
Engines: [TL1] 6 3                             
Shields: [TL1] 3 2                             
Weapons : 1:[VW], 2:[VW], 3:[VW], 4:[V], 5:[V], 6:[V]
Battery V:   Torpedo  TL0,  1-6/7-12/13-18,  1/3+/1/1
Double Range Modifiers, Piercing +1, Slow Firing, Fire-Linked
[G]  [G]
Battery W:   Battery  TL0,  1-2/3-4/5-6,  1/3+/1/1
Special Equipment   Equipment Tech Level: Individual TL
Countermeasures :
Point Defence :


Type: Desolator-Class Chaos  Battleship  (332)
Hull: 12 11 10* 9 8 7 6 5* 4 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1                   
Shields: [TL0] 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1                   
Weapons : 1:[VWY], 2:[VX], 3:[VX], 4:[VX], 5:[WX], 6:[WX]
Battery V:   Lance 60  TL0,  1-4/5-8/9-12,  1/4+/1/1
No Range Modifiers, Ignores Shields
[C]  [C]  [C]  [C] [D] [D] [D] [D]
Battery W:   Long Battery 60  TL0,  1-6/7-12/---,  1/4+/1/1
Battery X:   Torpedo  TL0,  1-6/7-12/13-18,  1/4+/1/1
Double Range Modifiers, Piercing +1, Slow Firing, Fire-Linked
[G]  [G]  [G]  [G]  [G]  [G] [G] [G] [G]
Battery Y:   Teleporter  TL0,  1/2/---,  2/4+/1/1
No Hull Damage, Continuing Damage, Ignores Shields, Carronade & No Range modifiers
Special Equipment   Equipment Tech Level: Individual TL
Fire Control : Anti-Fighter Batteries (8) :

Type: Murder-Class Chaos  Cruiser  (206)
Hull: 8 7 6 5* 4 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 5 5 4 4 3 2 2 1                       
Shields: [TL0] 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1                       
Weapons : 1:[3V], 2:[3V], 3:[3V], 4:[2VW], 5:[2VW], 6:[2VX]
Battery V:   Long Battery 45  TL0,  1-5/6-10/---,  1/4+/1/1
[C]  [C]  [C]  [C]  [C]  [C] [C] [C] [C] [C] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D] [D]
Battery W:   Lance 60  TL0,  1-4/5-8/9-12,  1/4+/1/1
No Range Modifiers, Ignores Shields
[AB]  [AB]
Battery X:   Teleporter  TL0,  1/2/---,  2/4+/1/1
No Hull Damage, Continuing Damage, Ignores Shields, Carronade & No Range modifiers
Special Equipment   Equipment Tech Level: Individual TL
Fire Control : Anti-Fighter Batteries (4) :


(13 replies, posted in The Admiralty Edition)

I decided to do a quick revision this evening after finding a potential opponent: 
Modified the Nova Cannon to 3/4+/1/2, but had to make it TL1 to make it fit in Mars and Dominator hulls (Apocalypse had no problems). 
I think I'm not going to try to drop the hull sizes on escorts down to 1; it was something I never quite agreed with BFG on to start with.  I did make enough space in the Swords and Firestorms to drop them to hull 3, though, by reducing the number of AFBs to 2/turret from 4/turret to balance the change in fighter flight size to 1 (dropping marines and conventional teleporters also helped).  Also added a lot more fighter flights to all of the carriers.  I have not added Launch Tubes, though; my thought on that is that while BFG ships could only launch every other turn due to Reload Ordinance, Starmada ships can launch every turn, so a roughly 1/2 launch rate is acceptable (not entirely happy with battleships being able to launch the same as heavy/battlecruisers, but oh well). 
Still haven't upgraded to HJ/IK from C and D; most of the ships probably have room for it, but not all, and I'm just introducing the game to my opponent, so adding the expanded arcs may be confusing (I know they're still not instinctive to me, so teaching them would be more difficult).
Have also still kept Imperial Armor Plating and Chaos Fire Control; while they're not as justified as the Eldar Point Defense and Countermeasures, they're kind of fun and help differentiate the Imperials and Chaos.
Went with a slightly different set of traits on the Teleporters; No Hull Damage, Continuous Damage, Ignores Shields, and "Carronade & No Range Mods"; Shipyard has a column just for double-ranged traits, which allows up to five traits to be used on a single weapon, as long as two of them are range-based.  I also went with Double Range Mods, Piercing +1, Slow-Firing on the torpedoes, and have been penciling in Fire-Linked after the fact, since it's only x1 and therefore doesn't change any of the math.


(13 replies, posted in The Admiralty Edition)

Alex Knight wrote:

Yeah, not sure how to handle that. I considered that maybe, as off as it sounds, Armored Hull might fit, but then that would affect weapon battery fire. Leave it to the Eldar to be screwy...

Yeah...  there really isn't a good way to simulate the holofields.

Another two options, one that also breaks the existing rules and one that doesn't: RoF 3, with a DMG of 2 to keep it rules legal. RoF 6 if we don't mind tweaking the rules. It's not *quite* as randome 1-6, but it works.

It does give the same damage ranges...  I get the feeling that RoF 3, damage 2 would work OK, though RoF 6 might come closer to the 'automatically inflicts one hit' on anything within the radius.

Right, I was looking at ease of design. I can make one system a torpedo, and just give multiple instances of it to the same ship. I do agree that 'kinda' breaks the original feel. However, I'm not so sure on high RoF either. High RoF, there's a greater chance of at least one torpedo hitting, where Fire-Linked is an all or nothing. I lean towards the all-or-nothing approach myself a the IMP will dictate what actually hits.

Upon re-reading the ordinance rules, that seems a legit conversion, since they actually just roll against armor.
That's a pretty nice job on the Cobra, and quite a bit less expensive than mine, since it's not using carrier capacity.

One possible solution to that is to make fighter *squadrons* of one ship. Thus it could be more faithful to the source material. It *might* also solve the size issue with the Mars-class. (It tends to need a higher tech level if hull size is not boosted.)

The same idea hit me a couple days ago while re-reading the ordinance rules.  It would free up a lot of space, allow for carrying extra squadrons beyond the launch limits, or both.  One could also use the Interceptor and Bomber traits to reduce the sizes on the fighters, too, since BFG bombers can't attack fighters and BFG fighters can't attack ships.

I agree on the personal preference. I'll probably use Shields for ships that don't have the armored prow and Facet those that do.

I probably would've done the same, but the Shipyard requires that each fleet use the same shields technology, so I would've needed two separate spreadsheets.  Or I could hack in a 'faceted override' on the Template, maybe...

Yeah, I only put the large number of marines in to simulate the source. The issue is that more Teleporters would be needed to make them interesting as the do not have the same function as they do in BFG. Haven't quite found something that does yet.

Hmmm...  I wonder if it would be balanced to allow the sacrifice of marines to deal non-hull damage.  So you teleport a marine squad to an enemy ship, and if it isn't canceled by an enemy marine squad on the same ship (ie, the ship has no marines), you can sacrifice them to cause a 'no hull damage' damage roll (the sacrifice being so that they don't later count towards hull reduction).  Maybe more than 1 NHD hit, since crits in BFG are pretty damaging.


(7 replies, posted in Game Design)

I had considered a similar type of game, but with a couple of variations:

  • Two or more simultaneously extant system maps.  Each turn, each element on each map moves, shoots, etc.

  • No campaign turns.  Things are built, repaired, and destroyed in the span of standard Starmada turns.  Sort of taking a leaf from Homeworld and other RTS games here.
    [*]Moving between the two maps requires the Hyperspace ability; when a ship uses Hyperspace to leave one map, it may enter the other (or one of the others, depending) near the edge.  Or maybe not, depending on how you want to play it.  Perhaps they have to enter either near the edge or near a friendly planet, or perhaps they can enter anywhere greater than a certain distance from an enemy-controlled planet (with the assumption that the planet has hyperdrive interdictors or somesuch technology).

  • Auxiliary services are used to build, repair, mine, transport replacement fighters, etc.  Building a new ship requires an amount of Repair service equal to its CRAT plus the total amount of its auxiliary services, as well as an equal amount of resources obtained by mining.  If it can't be built all in one turn, construction can be stretched over multiple turns, but the partially constructed ship should probably be vulnerable to attack during this time (no rules for it yet).  When finished, the new ship is placed in the same hex as the ship/station/whatever used to build it during the End Phase of the turn in which is it completed.  Fighter flights can also be constructed for their CRAT cost if they're independent, or their capacity requirement if they're not.  However, dependent fighters need a carrier before they can be used; might be best to rule that you need to move them using Cargo capacity, and then load them onto a carrier using something similar to the Recovery rules, except that you can launch them next turn.  Multiple ships with Repair capacity can pool their construction or repair efforts, but all need to be in the same hex.  Ships with Repair can also repair other ships; I'm still working on how exactly to handle that (maybe they can repair hull hits and grant damage control rolls?  Or borrow from Mundungus' Orders of Magnitude and fix all systems damage when a hull hit is repaired, but make repairing hull hits expensive/time consuming).  Mining capacity allows a ship to extract resources from planets, asteroids, asteroid fields, and maybe destroyed ships (probably worth half of their CRAT) at a rate of n points of resources per turn, where n is the ship's mining capacity times a multiplier for the mineral richness of the object (a mineral-rich planet might be 1.5, a mineral-poor planet might be .5).  Then you need Cargo capacity to haul the minerals back to something with Repair so that it can build stuff.  Might also make an exception that a ship with Mining capacity can 'land' on a planet or asteroid and avoid being destroyed, or just permit mining from hexes adjacent to the mineral source.

  • I'm also considering rules for 'repairing' destroyed Marine squads using Hospital capacity, and for learning new weapon traits and such using Science.  Not sure, though.

If you wanted to preserve the fixed 'invasion' aspect, you could allow one side to have access to Hyperdrive, and deny it to the other.  This puts them on the defense, since they can't strike back at the enemy home system (until they capture enemy ships and reverse-engineer the hyperdrive).  Basically, rather than getting multiple campaign-esque battles, this system would result in one long, continuous battle with unusual tactical elements like defending your mining and industrial assets, fighting over mineral-rich planets, etc.  Might be a bit small-scale for what you're after, though; running entire fleets in it might be kind of a pain due to the continuous high resolution.


(13 replies, posted in The Admiralty Edition)

Alex Knight wrote:

That's why I went with piercing. While it makes them a *little* more effective against Eldar in Starmada instead of less, (since it would make their weaker 'shields' even weaker.) I felt it balanced out.

Yeah, haven't found a really good way to simulate the holo-fields...  I went with Countermeasures and Point-Defense, but those don't quite do justice to the '1 in 6 chance to hit with lances and ordinance.'  Which might be for the better.

Nova Cannons did ignore shields and dealt damage regardless of the armor value of the ship. Hrm. We need one more weapon trait slot. ::grins::

That's something I've been wondering about recently; is the three-trait limit a balance consideration or a sanity consideration, like the old three-battery limit?

I think I might consider the 4+ instead of the 5+. While it may be occasionally more effective than BFG batteries, you have about a .54 chance of that firepower converting to a die of damage against armour. Since the enemy's bearing doesn't matter in Starmada, I think that is a relatively decent approximation. And close too. Given that, I can see that ACC on the Batteries represents the Gunnery Chart from BFG and the IMP represents the attack versus Armor. Whereas the ACC on the Lance represents the fact that it always hits on a 4+ and Ignore Shields just means I ignore the original 'armor value'. Hrm.

That was about my line of thinking, yeah.

I mostly like the idea of weapon system based torpedos. I'd probably make them range 18 (Which is 90 cm, three turns of distance...), slow firing, double range mods (I'll explain in a moment) and fire-linked. Probably go with 1/4+/1/1. Reasoning for the double range mods instead of no range mods: Within 30 cm, torpedos are a guarantee hit. Once you fire it, your opponent has no chance to maneuver to avoid it. At the second band, they have a chance to maneuver around it, but it's not *that* easy if fired correctly. At the third band, your opponent has had a chance to avoid them, shoot them and intercept them with fighters. We've usually found that once fired, if the torps haven't hit in two turns, they aren't going to, but there's always that off chance. Thus double range modifiers: 2+ at close range, representing that turrets could still shoot them down. 4+ at medium range, representing maneuver and turrets. 6+ at long range. Representing that off chance they can't manuever out of the way. Additionally, they are fire-linked as torps have to be fired in a complete salvo, rather than individually. This allows you to have variable strength torpedos by adding and subtracting arcs and number of weapons.

Ooh...  the double-range-mods is an excellent idea.  The only thing I don't agree with is the Fire-Linked; FL doesn't mean you have to fire all of the weapons in the battery, just that all of those you choose to fire use a single attack roll to hit.  About the only way to make it so that you have to fire all of the torps in one salvo would be to have one high-RoF weapon for the entire torpedo battery.

Also, while I don't have the Rules Annex or Dreadnoughts, I wonder if the flotilla rules will fix escorts...

I initially tried the escorts as flotillas, but wasn't able to fit enough firepower or armor on to them for them to match their BFG counterparts.  There just isn't enough space in a .5-hull ship to fit multiple batteries in wide arcs and shields 4.  Or even just shields 4, for that matter, since the Shield Factor on a hull that small precludes anything but shields 1 (IIRC).

Hull: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
Faceted: 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4
Facets: (5,4,4,4,4,4)
Weapons: 1:[2VWX] 2:[2VWX] 3:[2VW] 4:[VWX] 5:[VWX] 6:[VWX]
Battery V: Weapon Batteries 30 cm, 2/4/6, 1/4+/1/1
[HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [IK] [IK] [IK] [IK] [IK] [IK]
Battery W: Weapon Batteries 45 cm, 3/6/9, 1/4+/1/1
[HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [IK] [IK] [IK] [IK]
Battery X: Torpedoes, 6/12/18, 1/4+/1/1
Fire-Linked; Doubled Range Mods; Slow-Firing
[G] [G] [G] [G] [G] [G]
Special Equipment:
Anti-Fighter Batteries (2); Marines (8); Teleporters

Hull: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
Faceted: 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4
Facets: (5,4,4,4,4,4)
Weapons: 1:[3VW] 2:[3V] 3:[3V] 4:[3V] 5:[3V] 6:[3V]
Battery V: Weapon Batteries 30 cm, 2/4/6, 1/4+/1/1
[HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [IK] [IK] [IK] [IK] [IK] [IK] [IK] [IK] [IK] [IK] [IK] [IK]
Battery W: Nova Cannon, 6/12/18, 1/5+/2/3
Minimum Range; Ignores Shields; Area Effect
Special Equipment:
Anti-Fighter Batteries (2); Marines (8); Teleporters

Hull: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
Faceted: 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4
Facets: (5,4,4,4,4,4)
Weapons: 1:[VW] 2:[VW] 3:[VW] 4:[VW] 5:[VW] 6:[V]
Battery V: Lances 30 cm, 2/4/6, 1/4+/1/1
Ignores Shields; No Range Mods
[HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [IK] [IK] [IK] [IK]
Battery W: Torpedoes, 6/12/18, 1/4+/1/1
Fire-Linked; Doubled Range Mods; Slow-Firing
[G] [G] [G] [G] [G] [G]
Special Equipment:
Anti-Fighter Batteries (2); Marines (8); Teleporters

Hull: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
Faceted: 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4
Facets: (5,4,4,4,4,4)
Weapons: 1:[2VW] 2:[2VW] 3:[2V] 4:[VW] 5:[VW] 6:[VW]
Battery V: Weapon Batteries 30 cm, 2/4/6, 1/4+/1/1
[HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [HJ] [IK] [IK] [IK] [IK] [IK] [IK]
Battery W: Torpedoes, 6/12/18, 1/4+/1/1
Fire-Linked; Doubled Range Mods; Slow-Firing
[G] [G] [G] [G] [G] [G]
Special Equipment:
Anti-Fighter Batteries (3); Marines (8); Teleporters; Carrier (200); Launch Tubes

This was my synthesis of your ideas and a few of mine. I finished all the Imperial ships from the Big Blue Book, but only posted these. Thoughts?

Those are pretty nice...  I converted Turrets to AFBs at a 1:4 ratio, since a turret in BFG can shoot down an entire squadron, while it takes many AFBs in Starmada to have the same effect.  However, freeing up the space from AFBs would allow for wider arcs...  Also, I did the math and Faceted (5,4,4,4,4,4) takes up the same amount of space as Shields 5 and yields the same increase of DRAT, so they're basically interchangeable; while Faceted does a better simulation of Imperial armor (though it doesn't quite do justice to the 90-degree 6+ prow), Shields 5 for the same price provide superior protection and less book-keeping.  Probably a personal preference thing.  I do like your version of the Dominator; I ran out of space for the batteries, so I only ended up with 9 on each side rather than 12.  Also, marines: the folks I play with rarely board, so piling a bunch of defensive marines on to things is usually pretty superfluous in our games.  I might have to try somewhere in the '4-6 marines, 2 teleporters' range, to make them offensively useful.  However, the teleporters are faithful to the source; hit-and-runs were something I kind of glossed over, since they're not something my group usually does.


(13 replies, posted in The Admiralty Edition)

Alex Knight wrote:

Interesting conversion. I had a few differences from the way you did things when I converted mine. I think I might go back and revise it.

1.) I had lances as piercing +1, rather than ignores shields and were RoF 2 rather than 1. (Reason being, there are two "guns" on most Imperial Lance Turrets.)

2.) Weapon Batteries had their strength divided by 4 (or 8) to determine the DMG rating per gun and four guns (or eight) per broadside. (Again, this was just to match the look of the IMP ships.)

Ah.  I noticed that Starmada shields operated almost analogously to BFG Armor, and since lances ignore armor saves in BFG, it seemed reasonable to make give the Ignores Shields.  As for the double-turrets, I never bought/built the minis, just read the rules and played them a bit with some proxies.  Since the art in the books is kinda small, I had not noticed the doubling.

3.) I had my Nova Cannon as 30/1/5+/2/1, Minimum Range, Area Effect, Variable DMG. That way it more closely resembled the original.

That would be a reasonable interpretation, yeah.  I matched its range to the minimum and the long (the whole '3d6 scatter beyond 60cm' thing), rather than the maximum.  I also went with Ignores Shields over Variable Damage since it ignored armor and was already variable enough in its effect for my tastes (ie, with some lucky to-hit rolls, could decimate a group of ships, but with poor rolls, totally ineffective).

4.) I used the default strikers and seekers rather than customizing mine. (That's acuz I was lazy and standard shipbuilder doesn't do different fighters...)

5.) I used faceted shields to represent the variable armor on the Imperial ships, and went with a lower armor since the weapons now had to roll to hit. (4/3/3/3/3/3 instead of 5/4/4/4/4/4.)

6.) All guns had a worse ACC rating. (5+ rather than 4+)

7.) All arcs were based on the GHIJKL rather than ABCDEF as I felt the HJ and IK arcs resembled the BFG arcs better than C and D arcs respectively. Though you will end either being too sharp or too narrow I think.

The strikers were just something I wanted to experiment with.  I considered Faceted, but decided that Shields 5 and Armor Plating was sufficient (and less complex).  I had noticed in games where I played fleets with mainly 5+ accuracy against fleets with mainly 4+ accuracy to be frustrating, so I decided to try 4+ and quite liked it.  Plus, there was room enough for all the batteries on 4+.  Perhaps because I had put them in fewer arcs; while it is possible to get a 90-degree arc by overlapping, say, C and H, I don't think you can get a 90-degree arc right out to the side.

8.) All of my ships had launch tubes... but if the seeker flights are set according to the torpedo rating of the ship, only carriers really need the tubes.

Other than that, I think I might synthesize part of your ideas with mine. I am curious what made you decide on some of the things you did. Especially in giving all Imperial ships Fire Control and the Ignores Shields of the Lances. How did the vessels "feel" in play? Did they feel like their BFG counterpart? Or did they feel... 'off'?

Honestly, I think I screwed up the torpedoes, but haven't found a better fix yet.  Basically, the Launch limits are high enough for each ship to launch all of its torps in the first end phase...  and then the torpedoes go wherever they please.  I'm kind of considering turning torpedoes into a G-arc slow-firing piercing no-range-mods weapon (maybe with ammo), but haven't done it yet.

And the Imperial Fire Control may have been a mistake as well...  it's not supported by the source material (though Chaos does one better with the Long-n carronade batteries), and I think I may have just added it to fill up space in the initial version of the fleet.  Or to give the Imperials a shot against the Eldar.  I'll probably remove it in the next version.

Likewise with Chaos' Fire-Linking.  Initially it was an excuse to experiment with Fire-Linked under the guise of the "high risk, high reward" philosophy Chaos runs on.  However, I'm not sure that I like using it, and it's not supported by source.

However, I can't really say if they felt like their BFG versions.  I didn't play a whole lot, and it was a couple of years ago...  so I don't know.  It was a fun conversion project, though.  I've kind of considered doing some of the other fleets (Tyranids and Necron, mainly; Orks and Tau don't particularly appeal to me), but both 'nids and Necrons have some funky rules that would be troublesome to convert.