(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

I do it myself, using Adobe Acrobat to print directly from Microsoft Word.


(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

I'm afraid I have neither access to a Kindle nor the technical understanding to figure out how to fix the problem. Perhaps someone more savvy than I can help?

Having a newborn at home is exactly the time-sink you would expect it to be.

Short answer: yes, there is movement.

Longer answer: I can't give you an ETA at this time.


(15 replies, posted in Starmada)

The problem is, even if I'd kept the "soft cap" on numbers of weapon traits, players would have asked, "Is there anything wrong with putting more traits on?" and I'd have to admit there isn't, from a game-balance point of view. And we'd be right back where we are now. smile

Frankly, I agree that uber-weapons are "broken", not in that they are unbalanced (If you put a ship with Cts/Dx2/Dx3 weapons up against another ship with 18x the damage dice, I'd expect them to be equally-matched) but that they reduce the game to what someone once referred to as eggshells fighting with sledgehammers. As balanced as a game of Yahtzee, and about as much fun.

However, I don't know how to "encourage" players to avoid such abuses without arbitrary design limits.


(4 replies, posted in Discussion)

...is excused.

Our first-born child arrived four weeks early, so the last 18 days or so have been a bit hectic. However, I'm back (sorta) so if you've been waiting for an email response from me or something, you might send a follow-up reminder.


(11 replies, posted in Starmada)

FWIW, the 0.20 multiplier only affects the space of an expendable weapon -- combat ratings are affected based on the size of the ship:

Very Small = 50%
Small = 33%
Medium = 25%
Large = 20%
Very Large = 17%

Note that these values have remained unchanged since at least Starmada X.


(1 replies, posted in Starmada Nova)

Asked and responded to: http://www.mj12games.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5604


(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

evanmiller70 wrote:

i recently got klingon and romulon nova armada and have 1 minor complaint and 1 major complaint. the minor was there was a lot of filler (approximatly 34 pages in each) i have all versions of starmada and am a big fan i could see having it in just one of the 2 for people who dont use your product. the major complaint is why include tholians if your not going to include web. that ommission is probably the sillist thing you could do. to say that iwas diappointed ,wouldbe ahuge understatement. it was woorse then call to arms ust saying any ship with web was invulnerable to drones, but having said that i was plwased over all. im sorry one more question why no salidin dd?

ADB wanted both Klingon and Romulan Armada to be self-contained, hence the "filler".

The ship mix was dictated by existing FC products -- specifically, Klingon Armada = Klingon Border + Klingon Attack; Romulan Armada = Romulan Border + Romulan Attack. Since the Tholian ships in Klingon Border/Attack don't have web casters, there was no need for the web rules.

As Paul mentioned, the web rules are included in Alien Armada (which should be released by the end of this month).


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

The conversion is relatively simple:

SHIELDS: The number of shield (armor) boxes is equal to the total number of shield facets in SAE.

HULL: The number of hull boxes is equal to the SAE hull size times 150%.

THRUST: I was not happy with the way thrust was being calculated in SAE, so I went with a more subjective method:

-- Destroyers, Frigates, and other small ships have a thrust of 7
-- Light and Fast Cruisers have a thrust of 6
-- Other cruisers have a thrust of 5
-- Dreadnoughts have a thrust of 4

For weapons, use the stats given on p.36 of either Klingon or Romulan Armada.

Other systems (shuttles, tractor beams, etc.) are simply carried over as is.


(9 replies, posted in Discussion)

In case you were looking to build Admiralty ships, I have re-upped the Shipbuilder. It should work now (I just tested it).


(9 replies, posted in Discussion)

What link are you attempting to download?

For the record, the official ship-builder is online: http://www.mj12games.com/starmada/drydock/


(1 replies, posted in Starmada)

It has long been a fact in Starmada that larger ships "pay" less (in terms of space units) for shields. With the introduction of armor and ECM as alternative methods of defense, it was necessary to scale them accordingly, so that the equivalent amount of shields, armor, and ECM would all require the same amount of space.


(0 replies, posted in The Sovereign Stars)

So, I've found myself looking more and more at this game, particularly now that there are some valid options for producing a hard copy (i.e. not just "print and play").

In thinking about it, I'm toying with a different kind of turn sequence. Keep in mind that the game board would be made of up of individual hexagons, called "sectors", assembled somewhat randomly. Not all sectors will be included in all games.

Each sector has an associated playing card. All of the cards for the sectors in a given game are shuffled into a single deck. Three cards are dealt to each player. The first player plays one card, which indicates the "active" sector. Then, the following steps are conducted:

1) Income -- the player in control of the active sector receives the appropriate amount of money. If no player controls the sector, the money is placed on the game board, and is collected by the first player to move into the sector.

2) Movement -- any ships in the sector may be moved. If ships move into an enemy-controlled sector, combat ensues.

3) Repair -- any damaged units in the active sector may be repaired. Units that moved into the sector in the previous step cannot be repaired.

4) Production -- new units may be placed in the active sector.

Once this is done, the first player draws a new card. The next player then plays a card, and so on. When all cards have been played, one turn is over. Remove any unclaimed money from the game board, reshuffle the sector deck, and start again.


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

Full points are earned once an enemy ship is crippled, even if subsequently "repaired" through regeneration.

When determining if directional defenses apply, always use the location of the firing ship.


(6 replies, posted in Starmada)

Yes. The Skyhawk in RA is clearly wrong. I will upload a corrected version -- but I'll wait until any other problems are also identified.


(6 replies, posted in Starmada)


That's because the plasma BAS as given in the text are incorrect. They should be:

Plasma-R: 5.94
Plasma-S: 3.83
Plasma-G: 4.52
Plasma-F: 3.74
Plasma-D: 1.85


(1 replies, posted in Starmada)

The FD7 stats should be the same as the others.


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

javaguy wrote:

Although an extreme ship, does this break the ship designer?

Short answer: No, it does not break the designer.

Longer answer: depending upon the enemy fleet, this design could either dominate all comers, or fizzle. There is a certain unavoidable rock-paper-scissors aspect to a game like Starmada. There are always discussions (arguments?) over whether this piece of equipment or that weapons trait combo is "unbeatable", but there are also ways of countering just about anything someone can throw at you.


(1 replies, posted in Starmada)

You have not missed anything. Ships may turn more than once in a single hex.


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

The idea is that the number of dice in the first column indicates the total firepower of all the weapons in the battery, even if you'll never be able to use them all against a single target.


(12 replies, posted in Starmada)

Please send me an email off-list.


(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

so that after getting behind my opponants ships, which have no rear-firing weapons, they can devestate the ship with their Heavy torpedoes

I think you may have hit the nail on the head, there.


(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

It's basically a way of recreating the separate thrust and shields damage tracks from SAE, which some people liked.

For the record, I wanted to strip as many extraneous die rolls from the basic Nova game as possible; that doesn't mean I'm not open to adding them in as optional rules for those who might want a bit more crunchiness.

One of the major changes from previous editions of Starmada is the nature of damage resolution. While there is still some randomness in the system, some things are deterministic: for example, a ship with nine hull boxes will never lose any of its systems until at least three boxes have been checked off. This optional rule allows players to change that.

The first step is to determine the ship's damage factor. This is done by multiplying the ship's hull size by 29% and rounding to the nearest integer. If the ship has fragile systems, multiply by 17% instead; if the ship has reinforced systems, multiply by 67%.

The game is played normally, with the following exception:

Do not perform damage checks as described on p.14 of the Starmada Nova Rulebook. Instead, each time a ship checks off a hull box, roll one die and consult the following chart. The results are added to a running total for each of the four damage types. Whenever this total reaches a multiple of the ship's damage factor (as determined above), check off one of the appropriate damage boxes or shield dice icons.

Roll    Thr    Wpn    ECM    Shields
1        1        3        0        0
2        2        0        2        0
3        3        0        0        1
4        0        1        3        0
5        0        2        0        2
6        0        0        1        3

EXAMPLE: A ship with a hull size of 12 has a damage factor of 3 (12 × 0.29 = 3.48). It suffers three hull hits, so three dice are rolled, coming up 2 3 and 5. As a result, 5 is added to the ship's “thrust” total; 2 is added to the ship's “weapons” total; 2 is added to the ship's “ECM” total, and 3 is added to the ship's “shields” total. Therefore, one thrust box and one shield die icon are checked off.

As in the standard game, a maximum of four boxes/icons can be checked off of each grouping; i.e. you should never check off the last thrust, weapon, ECM, or shield box.

Damage to ship systems is always resolved as described on p.15 of the Starmada Nova Rulebook.

If using the Bank-Specific Damage advanced rule, do not track “Weapons” damage as above; instead conduct damage checks as described on p.26 of the Starmada Nova Rulebook.


(12 replies, posted in Starmada)

I find myself in need of one or two folks to check over the ship displays for the Nova versions of Alien and Distant Armadas. Any takers?