(6 replies, posted in Starmada)

You'd still get the penalty to attacking fighter flights, I guess...  perhaps a more systemic solution would be a general rule that impacts of 0 or below always fail to inflict damage, even against targets with shields 0?  It could also serve to offset the power (and price) of the Ignores Shields & Increased Impact combo (though I'll be buggered if I can think of any weapon from any source that was Ignores Shields, Increased Impact, AND Non-Piercing...  and you'd probably rather have Starship-Exclusive in that third trait slot).


(0 replies, posted in Starmada)

One of the players in my Traveller game couldn't make it last week, so the rest of us played Starmada instead.  We had two who had never played, and two of us who had played before, so we formed teams of one newbie and one vet on each side.  My ally chose the Imperial fleet from ISS, while my opposing newbie chose a mix of human ships from H&C.  My vet opponent and I were both running custom fleets; I had recently upgraded my Battlefleet Eldar with cloaking and extra speed, and he's been tweaking a medium-range forward-firing Fleet With No Name.  A roll of the die brought us Hit and Run, and another roll put Tim and I on offense.  Tim's ship selection options were kind of sparse; we split the points of each side, so we each had 500 while our opponents each had 700.  He ended up with two light cruisers (The Swift Mongoose and the Heartbreaker) and two frigates (The Fiddlesticks and the "Ur Umm" - we concluded that he was playing the Crazy Empire, and the question was asked why I had chosen to ally with him), as well as a flight of independent fighters, while I was fielding two light cruisers (Sword and Spear of Khaine, modified Solarises; removed the fighters, upgraded the engines to 12, and added extra guns) and an upgunned Aconite frigate (Diving Falcon).  Our opponents fielded a mix of ships; Matt the New had a group of three frigates, a Dai-Ken Light Cruiser (I think), and a UES Heavy Cruiser (all named after Disney characters), while Alex fielded four light cruisers (Elysiums) and a battlecruiser (Avalon).

We rolled for terrain on Harrigan's campaign system's random terrain tables; 5 minefields of varying sizes.  We alternated placement, and ended up with a wide swath of the middle of the board thoroughly mined (we ruled that you couldn't put mines in the enemy's deployment zone, and nobody deigned to mine their own deployment zone).  This left a single channel on the north edge of the map between the two deployment zones unmined, and it was here that the fighting took place (though there was some speculation that I would run my cloaked ships through the minefields and flank, this didn't occur because the minefields weren't really protecting any objectives).

Both sides deployed; the Fleet With No Name in a line in front of the Nations of Earth, and the Crazy Empire on the north side of the channel in close formation and the Eldar in loose formation on the south side of the channel.

Turn 1:
This was our first time playing with plotted movement, so there was a bit of consternation and confusion here.  We considered implementing a time limit on plotting in later turns, but it wasn't necessary once we got the hang of it.  Both fleets advanced cautiously to about 18 hexes distance, but the Urr-Um overextended itself and was obliterated by the forward firepower of the Elysiums.  Tim's long-range missiles did minimal damage to the enemy.

Turn 2:
Both fleets rushed at each other, though the Eldar cloaked while doing so.  The range closed to six between the leading elements of both fleets, and close-range weapons were fired by all.  The Heartbreaker and the Fiddlesticks were obliterated by missile barrages, railguns, hadron guns (misread as hard-on guns...  sigh), and miscellaneous other weaponry, and the Swift Mongoose was nearly destroyed (1 hull at the end of shooting).  Tim rolled horribly for his shooting, but managed to destroy or cripple three of the Elysiums, scoring us 312 VP.  The almost complete destruction of the Crazy Fleet won the enemy around 300 VP.  The independent fighters failed to inflict any damage, but pulled a good amount of enemy fire and were not destroyed.  Tim thinks scenario is unwinnable for offense, and is greatly frustrated by his 5+ ACC weapons and shields 1 (compared to Alex's 3+ ACC plasma weapons and 3 shields).

Turn 3:
Enemy fleet closed for the kill on the Swift Mongoose, Eldar fleet decloaked behind their lines.  The Mongoose was destroyed, but managed to damage one of Matt's frigates and his light cruiser (but not enough for crippling to be probable).  Fire from the two Eldar cruisers crippled both of the ships Tim had damaged, as well as another of Matt's frigates, putting us just over 600 VP.  Fire from the Eldar frigate was wasted on the Avalon's 5 shield rating, and the rear guns of the UES heavy cruiser laid waste to one of the Solarises.  This, combined with the destruction of the Mongoose by its forward-facing guns, put the enemy at around 650 VP, scoring them a marginal victory (technically a draw, but they were ahead in VP, so slightly in their favor).  Tim concluded "Hey, you used me as bait!"  And I shrugged and said "Eldar."

Despite earlier consternation, Matt and Tim both enjoyed the game and have started building custom fleets in preparation for a summer campaign.  I finally fielded my Eldar with some success (in previous games, they've been annihilated utterly), and Alex concluded that he'd finally found a good fleet balance.  And so good times were had by all.


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

So I was explaining how the rules for Matter Conversion Beamers changed between Space Hulk 1e ('89) to their rules in Deathwatch ('10) to a fellow gamer, and made a Starmada analogy: "They went from mass-based damage to inverted range-based damage."  This, in turn, prompted the idea for mass-based damage; weapons that generate a cascading damage effect on targets of higher mass.  A notable example in fiction (outside of 40k's conversion beamers) is the Little Doctor from Ender's Game.  My notion for the rules is increasing damage against targets with high hull, but I'm not sure how best to implement it; multiplication seems a little steep.  Maybe adding 1 to the effective damage rating of the weapon for every 6 hull points the target has (or fraction thereof)?  And then there's the costing issue...


(15 replies, posted in News)

Looks like I'm going to have to pick this up once I start my summer job and have income again...  sadly, this delay means I will probably not get to test my spreadsheet skills on this fresh problem.  Also, I imagine larger fleets / higher total points means that my dreadnought-favoring opponent will get a chance to field all of his designs (last game we played, he only had a thousand points and couldn't pull an 800 point ship).  Should be fun.


(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

Yes, it's over the SU limit.  As I said, this is the result of my opponent doing the math by hand.  However, ignoring this mistake is not likely to negatively effect the game for several reasons:

    [*] The SU limit exists primarily to preserve 'realism' rather than to preserve game balance; there have been other 'over-gunned' ships, such as the Dreadnoughts flotillas, and the game hasn't broken over those.  My family once played an all-overgunned flotilla game; we had flotillas with Shields 5 and battleship-grade weapons running around.  And nothing went terribly wrong.
    [*] The CRAT math still works; you end up still paying for exactly what you're getting.
    [*] It's only 47 SU over on an 811 SU hull.  That's like 1/16, or about 6%.  Kinda marginal.  This isn't like the example in the Ship Design section of the core book with a hull size two ship with 47 weapons.  I prefer to think of it as hull size 5.5 and he rounded down.

So in sum: yes, it's over the SU limit.  If you intend to use it, get opponent's consent to bend the rules a little.  Other than that...


(6 replies, posted in Starmada)

Good link; thanks!  I can now fire my Area Effect Anti-Fighter Fighter-Exclusive weapons into my minefields with somewhat less caution than before...

Can fighter-exclusive weapons be used for minesweeping?  I'm pretty sure it should be legal, since the wording on the foo-exclusive traits is "cannot be used to attack enemy foos", but thought I would check to make sure. 

Likewise, can Anti-Fighter be used to offset the penalty for firing on mines?


(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

Whoo got revisions sooner than expected.
And wow...  yeah, the errors are more significant here (these are the shipyard'd 'correct' versions).  He has the CRATs about .8 times what they should be.  I'll have to look into that...

Type: PK Command Carrier Class (832)
Hull: 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1           
Shields: [TL0] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1           
Weapons : 1:[VX], 2:[V], 3:[V], 4:[W], 5:[W], 6:[W]
Battery V:   Frag Cannons  TL0,  1-5/6-10/11-15,  2/4+/3/3
Inverted Range Modifiers, Slow Firing
[AC]  [AC]  [AC]  [AC] [BD] [BD] [BD] [BD]
Battery W:   Pulse Batteries  TL0,  1-3/4-6/7-9,  1/4+/1/2
[AC]  [AC]  [AC]  [AC] [BD] [BD] [BD] [BD]
Battery X:   Plasma Bolt Launchers  TL0,  1-6/7-12/13-18,  1/4+/2/4
Area Effect
[A] [B]
Special Equipment   - Equipment Tech Level: Individual TL
Carrier (250) : Armor Plating :

Type: Leviathan Gunship (70)
Hull: 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 4 3 2                           
Shields: [TL0] 2 2 1                           
Weapons : 1:[VW], 2:[VW], 3:[VX], 4:[VX], 5:[W], 6:[W]
Battery V:   Heavy Pulse Cannon  TL0,  ---/4-6/7-9,  1/3+/1/2
Minimum Range
[AC] [BD]
Battery W:   Repeating Pulse Cannons  TL0,  1-2/3-4/5-6,  2/3+/1/1
[A] [B]
Battery X:   TAK-5 Torpedo  TL0,  1-3/4-6/7-9,  1/4+/2/3
Special Equipment   - Equipment Tech Level: Individual TL
Regeneration :

Type: Vigilante Class  (122)
Hull: 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 5 4 3 2 1                         
Shields: [TL0] 3 3 2 2 1                         
Weapons : 1:[VW], 2:[VW], 3:[2W], 4:[2W], 5:[WX], 6:[WX]
Battery V:   Plasma Bolt Launchers  TL0,  1-6/7-12/13-18,  1/4+/2/4
Area Effect
Battery W:   Pulse Batteries  TL0,  1-3/4-6/7-9,  1/4+/1/2
[AB]  [AB] [BD] [BD] [AC] [AC]
Battery X:   Flak Battery  TL0,  1-2/3-4/5-6,  1/3+/1/1
Special Equipment   - Equipment Tech Level: Individual TL
Countermeasures :


(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

OK, got the ships.  I think he did the math by hand, because some of his numbers don't match what the shipyard's giving me.  It comes out pretty close, though.

Type: PK Command Carrier (Dreadnought) (487)
Hull: 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1           
Shields: [TL0] 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1           
Weapons : 1:[V], 2:[V], 3:[W], 4:[W], 5:[X], 6:[]
Battery V:   Frag Cannons  TL0,  1-5/6-10/11-15,  2/4+/3/3
[ACE]  [ACE] [BDF] [BDF]
Battery W:   Pulse Batteries  TL0,  1-3/4-6/7-9,  5/4+/2/2
[AB] [AC] [BD] [CE] [DF]
Battery X:   Plasma Bolt Launcher  TL0,  1-3/4-6/7-9,  5/3+/2/1

Type: Leviathan Gunship (Organic Light Cruiser) (97)
Hull: 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 5 4 3 2 1                         
Shields: [TL0] 1 1 1 1 1                         
Weapons : 1:[VX], 2:[V], 3:[W], 4:[W], 5:[W], 6:[X]
Battery V:   Sonic Ascendency Cannon  TL0,  1-3/4-6/7-9,  2/4+/2/2
Battery W:   Repeating Pulse Cannons  TL0,  1-2/3-4/5-6,  2/4+/1/1
[AC] [BD]
Battery X:   TAK-5 Torpedo Launcher  TL0,  1-3/4-6/7-9,  1/4+/2/4
Special Equipment   - Equipment Tech Level: Individual TL
Countermeasures :

Type: Vigilante (Armored Light Cruiser)     (164)
Hull: 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 2 2 2 1 1                         
Shields: [TL0] 5 4 3 2 1                         
Weapons : 1:[VX], 2:[VX], 3:[WX], 4:[WX], 5:[X], 6:[X]
Battery V:   Devastator Ray  TL0,  1-2/3-4/5-6,  3/3+/2/1
Battery W:   Plasma Torpedo Launcher  TL0,  1-3/4-6/7-9,  2/4+/1/2
Battery X:   Flak Launcher  TL0,  1-2/3-4/5-6,  5/5+/1/1
[AB] [AC] [BD] [CE] [DF]

I don't have the revised ones yet, but hopefully I'll get them by this weekend.


(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

I've uploaded the version of the Imperials I used on the BFG thread in the shipyard.  I honestly don't have the ship designs for my opponent's vessels; we both spent the entire game going "Wow, your ships  can do that?  Ow..."  As this was his first time playing, he made a couple mistakes (putting engines 1 on the dreadnought, lots of rear arc coverage, some non-optimal repeater use (putting repeating on a 5+ weapon, you're paying x3 but only gaining x1.5 expected number of hits at medium range, or x2 at short range)), and said he intended to revise the fleet.  I'll see if I can get a listing out of him next game.  His tactics were reasonably good, though; he kept his fleet in a line parallel to my advance, which meant I couldn't use both sides of my broadside guns.  His one real mistake was not realizing how big a threat the Dominator was; if he had at the beginning, he probably would've rushed it with the organics (er, Leviathan Gunships a la Talon) rather than stopping to engage the escorts, and things might've ended differently.  As it was, he won by VP at the end of turn 5, but we both realized he would've lost (total fleet destruction) if we kept playing, so we think it was a draw.


(13 replies, posted in The Admiralty Edition)

Attached is the 3.5th revision of the Imperial fleet, in .7z.zip shipyard form (as copying and pasting is slooow).  I did a 4th revision, but was unsatisfied, so I combined elements of 3 and 4 to get 3.5.  I don't remember all the changes, but this is the version I'm happiest with; I haven't changed anything in it in some time.  Eldar and Chaos to follow.


(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

WARNING: This information is designated highly classified by the Ordo Xenos of the Emperor's Holy Inquisition.  Access restricted.

Hammer of Justice, Captain's Log

We recently received reports of an incursion of human-like xenos in the outer reaches of Segmentum Obscurus, and were dispatched to engage and eliminate them.  I was assigned a five-ship unit, comprised of the Dominator-class Hammer of Justice, the Lunar-class Agrippa, the Tyrant-class Incendrius, and two of the new Falchion-class escorts of the Cypra Mundi Patrol.  After some months hunting the xenos, we encountered them in the Dimmamar system.  They hailed me, and stated that they were "Peacekeepers", and that we much submit to their rule.  Their force consisted of four light cruisers and one truly massive dreadnought (hull 20 as opposed to our 8), larger than anything our Mechanicus have yet built.  Three of the light cruisers were of some sort of organic material, and clearly alien in origin, while the third was metallic and clearly well-armored.  I informed these "Peacekeepers" that they must perish for their invasion of human space, and battle lines were drawn. 

I placed the two Falchions on my port side, and the Incendrius and the Agrippa on my starboard.  Their array was symmetric, with the three organic cruisers in a line in front, then the metallic one behind them, and the leviathan still further back.  I ordered the Falchions forward to test the enemy's range while the cruisers advanced more cautiously and the Hammer of Justice hung back to rain fire upon the enemy with its nova cannon.  The enemy cruisers advanced at a speed similar to the Falchions and opened fire on them; one of the Falchions was soon crippled, as the armament of the cruisers was superior both in range and strength.  It was here that we discovered the frightening range of the dreadnought, as it aided in the destruction of the Falchions.  Its weapons were set in broad turrets with only slightly shorter range that our own nova cannon, though mercifully less powerful.  Also of note was the poor quality of the shooting by the Falchions; I do not know if their crews were poorly trained or their auspex misaligned, but of all the firing they did, only one torpedo struck an enemy ship.  The Agrippa and the Incendrius shortly engaged the enemy cruisers, and obliterated two of the organics with a combined volley of torpedo and battery fire.  The Hammer continued to hang back, bombarding the leviathan relentlessly, though to little effect.  It was not that the nova cannon was not striking it, but that the sheer volume of the target prevented it from inflicting serious damage. 

Then, the enemy armored cruiser engaged the Agrippa and the Incendrius while the remaining Falchion fought the remaining organic.  The armor of the cruiser was the equal of our own, and turned many of our shots aside, while its own weapons, some sort of repeating Gatling energy weapon, caused significant damage to the armor of the Incendrius.  Sensing an opportunity, I ordered the nova cannon fired on both the organic and the armored cruiser, as they were in close proximity, and succeeded in damaging them both. 

As the second Falchion was destroyed, our situation grew increasingly desperate, and the captains of the Agrippa and the Incendrius attempted a forlorn hope against the dreadnought.  They succeeded in inflicting significant damage to both the leviathan and the armored cruiser, disabling the main weapons of both, but both cruisers were disabled in the attempt, left with a handful of guns between them, as we realized that the leviathan's close-range weapons were even more fierce than its long-range ones.  Meanwhile, realizing that the Hammer was the only remaining credible threat, the last organic cruiser attempted to close the range and engage it with its sole remaining weapon (a torpedo launcher of some sort), but was destroyed by the nova cannon. 

The Agrippa and Incendrius were subsequently destroyed wholesale by the combined close-range firepower of the two remaining enemy ships.  I was bewildered by the array of weaponry that they brought to bear; I observed no less than two types of torpedo, two varieties of explosive shells, and three types of energy weapons.  At this point, I began a retreat, hoping to bring news of this grave threat to Imperial sovereignty and return with reinforcements.  In doing so, it became clear that both remaining ships were much slower than the Hammer (whether naturally or through damage to their engines I do not know), and I was able, through a protracted guerrilla strategy, to destroy both vessels by maintaining the range and firing the nova cannon.  While I understand that this Pyrrhic victory is likely to cost me my command, I go happily knowing that I have done my duty to the Emperor by bringing his wrath to the Xenos.


(5 replies, posted in Starmada)

csragamaster wrote:

These are interesting ways of dealing with seeker flights, and they do answer what I was reaching at.  I was considering using point defense against regular weapons that are defined as "Missiles"  I may give the players the option of firing direct or as a seeker with a speed = to half the range and an endurance of say 2 turns.

I concur; a means of handling projectile weapons as projectiles and missile weapons as missiles would be really neat.  I think plasma from one of the Armada books might work similarly but don't have the book in question.


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

I like it!  It means fleets composed entirely of ships with engines 0 are slightly more viable than before.

Also, applying a little conditional probability:
1 die: 1/6 = 3/18
2 dice: 5/6 * 1/3 = 5/18
3 dice: 5/6 * 1/3 = 5/18 (initial roll, degree of scatter roll of 3-4, and roll for scatter direction)
4 dice: 5/6 * 1/3 = 5/18 (initial, degree of 5-6, distance, and direction)

Expected number of rolls: (3 + 10 + 15 + 20) / 18 = 48/18 = 2.67.  So not too bad; I mean, how many ships are you going to jump all in one turn?  I could see using it en masse as a good opener on a large map to beat the Range-30s...


(13 replies, posted in News)

Hey, I'm not sure if this was part of the server change or what, but if I'm not logged in and I hit Post Reply on a thread, and then sign in, the only option is to go back to the Index page, whereas previously it would take you to a new post form on the relevant thread.  It's kind of irritating to have to go find the thread I was going to post on again.


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

Blacklancer99 wrote:

I like your idea of stacking squadrons, and would be an interesting steeping off point for playing a Starmada type game one level "up" the command chain, treating squadrons like ships are currently done in many respects.

Yeah, I agree about moving up the chain a bit.  VBAM's CSCR is closer, but no sense of range.  I'm really looking for something that could handle Master of Orion-style task force-level combat.  I think part of the issue with upscaling is that Starmada ships just have too much data associated with each of them - you've got three damage tracks and the weapon damage chart, four attributes per weapon (plus traits and arcs), and special equipment and fighters to boot.  You just can't have a battle with 100 ships because there'd be too much paperwork involved.

<tangent = "reducing data per ship">
You could conceivably reduce the number of damage tracks necessary by putting everything at risk of Iron Stars critical hits (example: ship with hull 4, shields 2, engines 4, and 4 weapons is reduced to 2 hull remaining, triggering critical hit.  For each point of engines, each point of shields, and each weapon, roll a critical hit save.  However, when you would take a shield, weapon, or engine hit, nothing happens.  Only hull damage is tracked, and all other damage stems from hull loss.  I have no idea how this would affect pricing on things, but it would reduce the space used for damage tracks.  On further reflection, it would also simulate Battlefleet Gothic's crippling rules rather nicely).

Anyways, the notion was kind of to produce simpler ships so you could field (and stack) lots of them without going insane.  Downscaling's also an option, I guess - if your frigates are flotillas, your cruisers hull 3, and dreadnoughts hull 6, you have a lot less space to play around with and might end up with simpler ships.  Flotillas seem to have a lot of promise along these lines (reduced complexity by eliminating the damage tracks, mainly...  say, what is this wheel of which you speak?  Reinvented, you say?), but they just don't do well for heavy, durable ships.  I guess you could build flotillas of heavier ships and just ignore the SU limits in order to get serious shields and weapons, and then build small squadrons that way.  You still run into mixing issues, though (ie, can't mix my cruiser flotilla and my frigate flotilla).

OldnGrey wrote:

I think you lost me here, when does the defender choose which target is hit?

I was referencing the second point of the alternate pseudo-rules I suggested in my last post for squadrons by stacking.  The first notion was that if you stacked multiple units in a hex, and somebody shot at it, you got to choose which of your units in that hex got hit.  But that was actually kind of a broken idea (probably), so random target selection seemed a better solution.

And yeah, Area Effect might need to be more expensive if stacking actually had benefits...


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

Just to bring up an alternate viewpoint, what if your squadron / escort system depended primarily on stacking multiple units in a single hex?  For example:

    [*]Attacks are targeted at individual hexes, rather than individual ships or flights
    [*]If an attack against a hex containing multiple targets (ships, flights, etc) hits, then the defender chooses which unit takes the hit from among the valid targets for the attack (and starship-exclusive rears its ugly head...  this would also mean that you can't intercept attacks with Stealth'd units under some circumstances.  Evasive Action might also get tricky)
    [*]If the attacker used Directed Fire in an attack against a hex with multiple targets, the attack may either re-roll damage dice OR the attacker may choose which unit in the target hex is hit.
    [*]Make a small area effect trait that hits everything in exactly one hex, and watch the fun.  Also, increase the price of normal area effect.

Alternatively, rather than having the defender choose, make it an evenly-distributed random roll to see which target in the hex is hit (and let Directed Fire re-roll that die rather than attacker choose).  This would promote putting escorts with your capitals, but also wouldn't introduce the "So I put my Shields 0 ship with the single G arc catastrophic extra hull damage area effect weapon in the same hex as my shields 5 armor-plated ship with no guns..."  It does cause the problem of "I don't have a d7", but that could be mitigated with a stacking limit of (say) 3, since 1, 2, & 3 all divide 6, so you could get a uniform distribution off of a single d6.


(11 replies, posted in Starmada)

Welcome aboard!

1) If you're not bound to e23, the Rules Annex is available from rpgnow at http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=63077 .

2) That sounds like it should work like that...  never actually used Emergency Thrust myself, so I can't tell you for sure.


(6 replies, posted in Starmada)

koyodude wrote:

Im interested in new optional/alternate rules to play with, but not so much in the SFB ships or setting.

A perfect summary of my situation as well.


(13 replies, posted in News)

I hit a bunch of "This forum is not available" messages yesterday, but all's well today except for the avatars.


(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

Umm...  what die roll?

Rules Annex, page 11 wrote:

The numbers listed in the shield track of a starship with faceted shielding is equal to the sum of the rating in each facet.  As this number is reduced due to damage, the ship's shield ratings must be reduced accordingly.  The specific reductions are left up to the discretion of the controlling player.

So it sounds like the controlling player marks off facets as he chooses.  No die roll necessary.

Reference on the ion cannons: http://www.wcnews.com/news/update/2217 .  Looks like they're not at all like SW ion cannons; particle kinetic damage rather than electronics ionization.

Similarly, http://www.wcnews.com/news/update/6911 has some non-numerical data on the lasers, mass drivers, and plasma.  Sounds like lasers get RoF, mass drivers get more then one damage die.  Sometimes we forget that we don't need traits (EHD, cata, etc) for everything.  Plasma's not very well described, so I'm going to leave that one alone.

This is from the Wing Commander universe, right?  I don't have any direct experience with it, but I'm played VegaStrike, which borrowed some elements from it (I recognize the Reaper Cannon, Dumbfires, and Image Recognition missiles, for example).

As for the actual ships, it seems kind of odd that the Terran light fighter is the same hull size as their medium fighter.  Also your statblocks appear to have lost the last line, and maybe more; there's no arc listing for the last weapon on any of these.

Looks good other than that, though.


(8 replies, posted in Starmada)

Yep.  So saith Cricket here (CAP being short for Combat Air Patrol): http://www.mj12games.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=2467&p=19894&hilit=CAP#p19894


(26 replies, posted in Starmada)

Re: Borg shields going up:
What if you had a ship trait where shields started low, and increased as you take shield hits?  Probably a decrease in DRAT to invert the Shield Track (so you start at 1 and then it goes up to whatever shield level you paid for at the rate it would normally go down).  Ex: A hull-4 shields 2 ship would normally have a shield track 2 2 1 1, but with Inverted Shields, it might have 1 1 2 2.

This would also play really annoyingly with Continuing Damage or the Extra Shield Damage mechanic that was being tossed around a month or three ago...