OK, this is obviously going someplace I need to head off in a hurry. There is no argument, no reply, these are the names that hit me when you ask "Who plays Ukulele?" or "Doesn't that weird guy play Ukulele?"
Julia Nunes
Cute as a bug's ear, and rough video, but compelling nonetheless, I could listen to her for, oh, about forever.
Jake Shimabukaro is about the friendliest guy I've never met. and he has talent too.
This is a song that was um composed by one of my favorite...
James Hill is about the most competent and technically perfect player I've ever heard.
No, I'm not that good. I play Irish Drinking Songs, Renaissance-y music and tell really bad and somewhat ethnically inappropriate Irish jokes in a funny Irish accent. I had some stuff I'd recorded, but you know how that goes.
These two Irishmen walk into a bar. ... The third one ducks!
So there.
p.s. (Because I can't help myself, this guy did more to marginalize the Uke than anyone in the world and caused a ruckus just about everywhere he went)