(67 replies, posted in Starmada)

bekosh wrote:

I would like to see a "Reaction Fire" or "Point Defense" trait for ship weapons. This would allow them to fire during the Fighter phase, after a fighter has moved, but before the fighter fires.

Obviosly the weapon would not be able to fire during the regular fire phase, and maybe limit it to range 1 making it self defense only. :?:

No idea what off/def mod or SU value to give it though.

No tracking if you mod it so that reaction fire weapons cannot fire during ship-ship phase.

I like it


(5 replies, posted in Wardogs)

Of course  :twisted:


(9 replies, posted in ARES)

I'd guess that limiting the number of MW (multiple wound) models is going to be a self-fulfilling deal.  My guess is that 10x10 point single wound figures is gonna trounce one 100 point figure.

the trick would be forcing people to take some heroes because they need them for the army, and not because they're the killer shiznit.


(18 replies, posted in Wardogs)



(9 replies, posted in ARES)

That's the same idea, still, keep the individual soldiers with just one wound eah and the leaders get more.

There's an interesting gap there, between Mass-combat and skirmishes that FtM tried to fill, but might have gone too far into Mass combat.

Something like a mass-skirmish game.


(9 replies, posted in ARES)

I wouldn't use ares for R&F games simply because each model has independence of others, plus For the Masses is the Best Game Ever(tm).

But you could have a single unit have the same characteristics each and one wound per model, that would work.

Again, I wouldn't discount the original ares for skirmishes, it is still a fine set of rules (Even if it doesn't have an index smile)


(9 replies, posted in ARES)

I'd play out of the box to start with using the convesions that Kevin has supplied in the mj12games yahoo group.

Borrows don't take all that much to track, but realise that Ares isn't a mass combat style game, if you want that, try For the Masses, or I think there's still a mass-combat version of Ares in the Yahoo group.


(50 replies, posted in Game Design)

I disagree with the idea of not calculating the point cost each time. THat will prevent players from leveling up in the middle of an adventure.  When I did it, I assigned points to a character each time they killed a monster, they got 10% to dd to the total points.  You could recalculate the character after each fight.  It seemed to work well. 

For example, a low-level character might get 25 points to work with, if he kills two 20 point Bingo Monsters, he gets 4 points to recalculate with (suddenly he's a 29 point character and might be able to add a shield to his repertoire.)

I think it works really well. up to a certain point cost.

Magic items is a whole other story tho


(50 replies, posted in Game Design)

Now, I could see an upgraded Ares, with campaign-like elements, a Miniatures RPG, so to speak (did Pinnacle patent that?)

Ares plays fast enough that we could expand it.

Here's a thought too, that might encourage group dynamics... Each model/character contributes a die to the group pool, the amount and type are "payed for" i.e. d4 = 1 group point. d6 = 2, d8 = 4, or whatever.

Whenever a character needs a boost, they pull from the group pool.


(37 replies, posted in Discussion)

Bren, that is profound. I wish my wife would play something.

I think we could do an RPG, but my biggest issue with RPGs is that they take so darn long to play out.  It's interesting, mind you, but do I have 3 hours every week to devote to it?

There's a lot more meat to an RPG too, all the background and story telling that has to go on is a ton of work. and unless you're WotC, it's a rough market to get in to.

Not that miniatures is easier to get in to, but I didn't put 4 years of my life into a game to find out it's marginally accepted. FtM took a year, Aces Took a year, they're marginal, even for our MJ12 family, but I am not as vested in it as I would have been if I'd written a 400 page RPG tome.

I think of Lejendary Adventures, if Gygax couldn't pull off an RPG ...


(21 replies, posted in Discussion)

wow did I have a great reply before I closed the window...

anyway, it went something liek this.

All I know about sports you can fit into a small boy's shoe.  But I really like rugby and hockey.

Rugby is a great game where a bunch of enormous men shove their shoulders into each others butts while slightly enormous men wait for the ball to come squirting out the back. When it does, (sometimes it takes two or three attempts) they can only pass it backwards unless they kick it.  Once they get it all the way to the other side of the yard, they make points by throwing themselves at theground and hope nobody tries to break them in half along the way.  What's not to love!

Next time, on our show, Hockey!  Like a cross between soccer, football and an Irish wedding!

I hate baseball, but I am a cubs fan, so...

Go Cubs, Go Bears, Go Prairie Thunder, Go IRELAND!


(21 replies, posted in Discussion)

I'm a rugby N00b, so I don't even know what that means.


(16 replies, posted in Game Design)

OK, this is obviously going someplace I need to head off in a hurry. There is no argument, no reply, these are the names that hit me when you ask "Who plays Ukulele?" or "Doesn't that weird guy play Ukulele?"

Julia Nunes
Cute as a bug's ear, and rough video, but compelling nonetheless, I could listen to her for, oh, about forever.

Jake Shimabukaro is about the friendliest guy I've never met. and he has talent too.

This is a song that was um composed by one of my favorite...

James Hill is about the most competent and technically perfect player I've ever heard.


No, I'm not that good. I play Irish Drinking Songs, Renaissance-y music and tell really bad and somewhat ethnically inappropriate Irish jokes in a funny Irish accent. I had some stuff I'd recorded, but you know how that goes.

These two Irishmen walk into a bar. ...  The third one ducks!

So there.

p.s. (Because I can't help myself, this guy did more to marginalize the Uke than anyone in the world and caused a ruckus just about everywhere he went)


(21 replies, posted in Discussion)

You should watch Rugby, then.


(21 replies, posted in Discussion)

They had to do that tho, 'cause of guitar hero.

I personally thought they pulled even that bit off rather well.


(14 replies, posted in Discussion)

Um, I play the Ukulele in a band called (what else?) Irish Ukulele.

(plus I like Hexes and Cheese)


(50 replies, posted in Game Design)

You forgot to add For the Masses 2e and "For the Macedonians"


(21 replies, posted in Discussion)

Freakin' Cubs

Well, there's always next year.


(21 replies, posted in Discussion)

Go Cubs?


(15 replies, posted in Wardogs)

I must say that those are pretty nice minis for being generic minis.

I also got super turnaround time on them.


(49 replies, posted in Miniatures)

my experience with molds is limited, but why not just get the real stuff and use real plaster or dental plaster?

Just wondering


(3 replies, posted in For the Masses)

well, you'll have to get lots of chicken warriors smile


(3 replies, posted in For the Masses)


But things go oh-so-slowly.

What's the idea for Battlelore? I'm not sure I understand how the system would work with only one hex per unit...

The threat of recording it stopped the noise.  Thing is, a threat is only good if you follow through with it. And I'm pretty sure they know I won't do that.

We'll see if it works again.

If you don't stop making that idiotic noise, I'm going to videotape it and put it on the internet and everybody in the world is going to make fun of you for the rest of your life.

The digital age is AWESOME!