(1 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

...figured I'd post some old artwork that I don't recall having been seen in a lot....


(1 replies, posted in Discussion)

Good to see that Dan's revived this board. I know what a chore raising kids can be.

I'm currently working on something else in my spare time. Getting older and having health challenges can slow one down, it seems.


(24 replies, posted in Iron Stars)


<I stumbled upon an old message>

....The Great War in Orbit needs doing

....Mars Attacks <again>

....A Wrinkle in Space - the discovery of Jump Drive <a segue into Starmada>


(0 replies, posted in Cheese)



(0 replies, posted in Discussion)

Apparently, someone thought that some of the content on Geocities was worth saving. My old website is among the sites salvaged and posted, check it out....


..they even saved off my old crappy artwork.

You can reach their main page at:



(5 replies, posted in Wardogs)

Todd emailed me - he can't remember anything definitive about Wardogs and Boarding, and what isn't in storage doesn't say anything about it.

I seem to recall some rules on the forums here about using mecha in Starmada, or using fighters with a 'mecha' or boarding ability....


(5 replies, posted in Wardogs)

I'm hoping Todd notices this, because I dont recall.


(5 replies, posted in Wardogs)

I know Todd and I talked about this.


(3 replies, posted in News)

And apparently they are up to it again....


(3 replies, posted in News)

Did you just prune some more? Got three 'posts' in my inbox, but nothing here.....


(0 replies, posted in Miniatures)

I also posted this in the Iron Stars section:



(0 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

From another game system, this looks pretty good!


Heh - when Dan first sent me some of the rules for QL, I saw it as being pretty darned flexible - all one had to do was establish a basis for relative strength, and you had the basis for a wargame in ANY time period/tech level.

Bravo, this is pretty darned cool....


(15 replies, posted in News)

Tried to absorb the rules over the weekend, but since I work weekends, didn't get too far.  Monday is my 'do nothing day' - but I've been informed that I have to go buy a new television this evening since we got our tax refund .....

I'm VERY happy that it appears that existing ships from Starmada can be converted to the system, but that added complexity means I'm going to either have to wait for a spreadsheet by someone else, make one myself (uuhhh...yeah) or work up my little project by hand....<IE, it ain't happening right away, but WILL happen>

Dan, I am NOT going to take you up on that bet - I expect a Deathstar posting inside of a month....complete with canon fighter wings....


(18 replies, posted in Starmada)

My understanding is (I could be wrong) that the new owner and a significant part of those that followed the game got in some sort of pi**ing match. I have no clue what the current owner is up to. How do you take a game that - had a small but fierce following - and then go on to totally loose most of your players? All he had to do was add a few races.

The tactical system worked - the economic game was dang near unintelligible.

It seems to me that he wanted the name, but not the system - could be wrong. <shrug>

I was on one of the Yahoo Groups devoted to Starfire after the meltdown, and got snippets here and there.


(18 replies, posted in Starmada)

I've got the boxed version, and the ziploc verson of Empires - as well as the Khanate, Orion, (and Fighter?) expansions.

I'd be more precise, but it's in a wood box under the TV.....


(18 replies, posted in Starmada)

Have you thought about the new Starmada: Fleet Ops thing that's coming out?

Never played Starfire, but I have a copy.


(12 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

Just FYI, Dan, the images didn't make it with the server change, and I haven't any recollection what went here...


(12 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

Just FYI, Dan, the images didn't make it, and I haven't any recollection what went here...


(1 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

Ain't dead by a long shot, but I'm just the art guy. Dan's working on Starmada: Fleet Ops right now I think.

The creative group here is small, but persistent.


(5 replies, posted in For the Masses)

jimbeau wrote:

Oh, and I guess I'm sort of back smile

...you were gone?


(49 replies, posted in Miniatures)

Don't worry about posting to an old thread - not on my account, anyway.... haven't worked on this in forever (wow, two years already?), got busy doing other things.

Where do you get the silicone oil?

I can't see going to the trouble with polyester resins, either.


(5 replies, posted in Discussion)

Scharnhorst is a kind of sausage, yes?


(3 replies, posted in Discussion)

My son bought me a Kindle for Christmas.

Does anyone actually celebrate Kwanzaa?


(13 replies, posted in News)

We don't have Avatars, but I just got an email notification.

...I really missed those.