(6 replies, posted in Game Design)

Hmmm i wonder what the sheep dungeons and the wet monkey have in common


(6 replies, posted in Game Design)

actually, no smile but it does feel a bit like that doesn't it.

Hpwever, Ben and I played a little tonite and it plays a lot like gauntlet does. 

We came up with the following modifications:

Initiative roll 2d6 and add your init score to the total

upon opening a door, roll 3d6, any 6 means there's a random monster

We played together and it was good fun.

Need experience rules and point value formula for the bd guys so we can assign experience.

also, if you're looking for sheep dungeons, Germy created paper ones.



(6 replies, posted in Game Design)

there goes that wet monkey again


(6 replies, posted in Game Design)

Okay, Here it is...

It is extremely rough, but enough of the core is there to actually play.


(2 replies, posted in Miniatures)

darnit, no!

I forgot my laptop and in my laptop bag was my camera and a couple ofother non-critical, but important thingies smile


(2 replies, posted in Miniatures)

I found these Terran ships even bigger(!) than the last set I got (Karradorn) three ships needed double posts!

Guys, you all need these Cold Navy ships to fight the Brigade fleets you already own (If you don't own any Brigade ships yet, then get them too). They're that nice.

I'm pretty sure the karradorns can give the Germans a good fight and the other races had better watch out as soon as I can get an order paid for to the UK, I'm all over those CDSU.

We fought two battles one tournament battle of 2500 points between two fine chaps.

The germans fought valiantly, and (not to boost Noels ego any more) kicked Dan's butt.  We got into a bit of a philosophical discussion on why it's important to build the layered fleet, and they walked away with the Pommerania as the prize.

The second game was a three-way fight with Mike Crouch, the incomparable Devin Callahan from the starmada playtesters (I'm so proud) and a guy whose name I can't remember no matter how much I wrack my feeble grey stuff.

Anyway, Devin learned a valuable lesson about not splitting his fleet as Mike's two (count them, there were two) 900 point Avatars (dressed like BFG Ships) ripped the two other players apart.

All in all a fine showing for saturday and a nice FtM game friday night.

but "Whew" four games scheduled in one weekend is a TON of games.


These are some of the nicest minis to come out of california since the mac mini. They're beautifully sculpted and cast with little to no flash whatsoever.

I got the Karradorn fleet last year for Xmas and I was very impressed! The minis went together fairly smooth and had only a little flash. The first impression of those minis was fabulous.  However, the mold lines and lack of a mounting hole, and lack of any sort of assembly instructions were a might off-putting after the first impression.  There were lso noticable "stepping" marks from the obvious 3d sculpting process. However, I would not have thought twice about that if I hadn't already known their origins.

I painted them up and have to say that the mold lines were impossible to see from three feet up.  So overall, I'd give the first run a 7/10.

Now, the second run is a different story.

I got the terran box this time around.  The minis have very little of the stair-stepping that was the hallmark of the first castings.  There's also little to no "pitting" in the second run. A rumour I heard that the guys over at Xtreme were unhappy with the castings in the first round, but I never saw any of that so I can't speak to the quality improved or not.  they look about the same to me.

I gotta say that the basing solution they're providing is nothing less than asinine.  They could not be using these posts with these bases and these ships, they simply do not fit together

1. the friggin posts don't fit in the base.
2. the friggin posts don't fit in the ship
3. even after carving them up a bit and trying to squeeze them into the ridiculously small hole, I broke off one of the friggin fins on the Lorraga.

I was mildly annoyed with the lack of a post hole. I am downright peeved about the new stuff. Not only that, but the damn holes in the ships don't fit any damn posts I own, and I own a lot of space ship bases and ships.  I also slightly preferred the wooden bases, but that is entirely up to personal taste I won't gig them for that.

Okay, the rant's over.  I'll figure something out if I have to go to brass tubing.

When  I'm through cursing the friggin bases, I'll prime this literal MOUNTAIN of spaceships which I managed to get for a song because these guys really know customer service!  I got a hefty 1.5 discount because of the great attitude they have towards their customers.  I'll probably be buying more in the future because I really can't get enough of these ships.  The fact that they come with pre-built starmada ship cards makes it that much cooler.

Let's call the second run an 8/10 and hope the guys figure out the bases so i can give them the 10 they deserve!


(25 replies, posted in Game Design)

here's what I had as an idea during the Frag--ZOMBIES! game at Die Con today.
Initiative -- something to do with dice or pillbugs
Combat --
     Players roll to hit each other
     players roll to save
     players die
respawn players come back at the start of the dungeon with full stats

basically it's a fantasy frag.

I haven't gotten farther than that yet.

art would be cool.

based on hexes (of course) but could use squares i guess as a last resort

um.  monsters can spawn randomly or be "set" in a certain room.

I like cheese.


(25 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

But I like petting wet monkeys too...

And isn't that the point?


(25 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

people should get on board anyway and sign in to the forums.

Pandering to those who resist chnge is like petting a wet monkey


(0 replies, posted in Starmada)

Well, after many sleepless nights and finger chewings, I FINALLY got the brigade ships for the tournament awards.

The package came today and it looks like it was gnawed on by the grimmpule.  With a nice little letter from the Posmaster General saying how he or she apologized for burying it in the dirt and forgetting about it for a week and then finally getting it to me.

However, upon deep and careful examination, the contents were undamaged (whew)!

I am now laden with prizes for the convention.  Come one come all! Win Win Win!

Collinsville Illinois



(6 replies, posted in Starmada)

I could have called it a thankless job if it hadn't been for those meddling kids!

and, you are welcome.


(8 replies, posted in Discussion)

the last known photo of Dan on "the web"

Note the floating aura, which seems to follow him everywhere.

(I personally think it's an alien, but who really knows, but the Dan himself)


(8 replies, posted in Discussion)

I've seen him, he's about this tall and he sed to have anime hair, but then got it cut off so he could be more official looking.

that about right?

He's often seen with "that woman"



(6 replies, posted in Starmada)

heh I don't know about that smile

I run the faq and it's a thankless job, thankless I say!


(6 replies, posted in Starmada)


On page 15 Dan wrote:

Before resolving any of its attack, a starship must  declare at which targets it will be firing, and what weapons it will be using against each...

This doesn't come right out and say it, but I believe this to be the passage that implies that you may fire weapons in different arcs.

hey, but that's just me.

Here's the starmada faq:



(12 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

Did I mention that the idea had occurred to me last year...

I do really like the idea, just not the cover

For the Record, Jim says "I'll take a copy!" as long as it's in print form!



(12 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

I agree, it' sa little um boring compared to the other IS books.

Now martians fighting on the barren wastes of mars would be really awesome...

mike, can you whip something up like that?



(7 replies, posted in Miniatures)

I could see buying just the three-prong part and sticking it on another three-prong bit and having a complete flight that way.

Why only three prongs?

(PS, they DO rock, and I'll take the other 2,321 of them, please)



(4 replies, posted in Game Design)

So here's the rules...

like I said, they need help.  they're more of an outline than a complete set.


(7 replies, posted in Miniatures)

They look great!


(4 replies, posted in Game Design)

yes (like I said, they need help), and tongue in cheek.


(4 replies, posted in Game Design)

Okay, before anybody says anything.

I know I'm supposed to be working on the For the Macedonians and FtM 2nd Ed. and I'm horribly behind on that.

But, as I was sifting through the Steve Jackson Games website and came across their submissions guidelines for card and board games, I thought... Why should I give Steve Jackson a chance to crush me with ridicule and mean editorial remarks about my rules, when I can have my friends do it instead!

Here's the game, the poll is to see if there's any interest in a board game:

Building Stonhenge:

You represent a clan vying for power in the "old timy" era of the aztecs and early native americans.

Each player's task is to build a Stonehenge before the infidel and smelly opponents do.

Okay, it's a rough idea, and I have a set of rules that completely sucks, so it would take some work to fix, but the idea is that it's a builder-style game wherein the players spend resources to create a phased-style stonehenge over the course of the game.

There may also be some form of combat as you will probably want to send soldiers with sticks off to your opponent's structures to knock over their rocks.

Additionally, there may be things like random events such as plague or blight or the invention of really soft pillows.

Whaddya think?


(23 replies, posted in Discussion)

cricket wrote:

wenig Liebhaberei


That sounds... iffy


(2 replies, posted in Discussion)


That's a bad rap. You can rest assured I won't be buying an Alienware computer any time soon.

I didn't have to pick out any components for my computer, I just went to the guy and said. "Gimme one of them purty computers. "
