(2 replies, posted in Discussion)

Alienware Homepage wrote:

1.19.2005 Alienware Introduces MJ-12 3300 Value Workstation

Alienware is now able to offer creative professionals many of the features and options available on the award winning high-performance desktop workstation models in a powerful, space-saving and incredibly affordable system. With the MJ-12 3300, users will be able to explore the full extent of their creative capabilities.

Just wondering...

is there something you want to tell us Dan?



(23 replies, posted in Discussion)

grendeljd wrote:

That'll be delayed a bit - my computer died last week! I am hoping to have a newer one by the weekend.  :cry:

Glad to see a new and excellent selling outlet materializing for mj12, though!!!

The new G5 iMacs look really nice smile

and It would be nice to see the product line go other places, I'm just not holding my breath.



(11 replies, posted in Starmada)

Previous versions of the rules stated that a ship that does nothing else can pivot in place, regardless of MP cost or maneuvering restrictions. However, this capability was removed in X... it made a ship which lost its drive too maneuverable.

I will update the FAQ with this non-obvious answer



(11 replies, posted in Starmada)

1. Has there been any consideration for the manueverability of stationary ships? Can they perform manuevers without having to move forward? For example, a stationary ship rotating 180 degrees. Or perhaps only able to turn 1 hex facing a turn while stationary?

I thought it was in the rules somewhere, but it may have been lost in the shuffle of Strmada X.

Anyway, Stationary starships may turn any number of hexsides.

2. Drones are described as acting like fighters. Can drones be engaged in a dogfight by fighters? I would think not, but the rules don't specify. Also, does this mean that drones can fly around willy-nilly or perhaps sit and wait, or do they have to actually move toward a target?

Drones act as fighters in all regards. it is not explicitly stated, but they may engage in dogfights as well (implied on p28 of Starmada X: Brigade "Drones do not destroy attacking fighters on a roll of 1")

Dan may correct me if I am wrong. I will update the FAQ with these fine queries (http://www.tablegamer.com/cgi-bin/faqw.py)


(1 replies, posted in For the Masses)

I was recently reading through the Hoplon 2 rulebook and got an idea.

In there they have provided for the abillity to perform Group Movement. How about this for those low-command armies, or ones that have lost commanders:

Group Move:
A commander may give a Move order to a group of units.  The Group Movement command costs 1 extra per command and may be used to move any number of contiguous units in regular formation. at any time, the units may separate, but any unit which becomes non-contiguous with the rest of the group may not accept another command that turn.

A Charge order (Move to contact) may be given to a single unit in the group as the group's last action for the turn. However, only the unit ordered to charge may move, the rest of the group may not move.


(11 replies, posted in For the Masses)

Yes, there is a special called Artillery which halves the defense of any fortifications smile

And there's not really a height issue with forts, it's simply the defense and the wounds, so a defense 1 wounds 10 wall might be 100 feet tall whereas a defense 1 wounds 2 wall might be 10 feet high, I don't really know or care I guess how tall the wall is.

The special "Assault Equipment" makes it possible for a unit to climb fortifications.



(3 replies, posted in For the Masses)

I like the FTM rules very much, but I feel you need to include more army list. I feel by including more army lists it will make it more atractive to gamers.

I do know you can creat your own list but who has time for that.

You betcha!

We've got plans for a bunch of army lists.  * = new

    * Azweto (zulu-types)
    * Dragons (the really big kind, not the lizards)
    * Dwarves
    * Haedun (beastmen)
    Grimmpule (one of my favorites)
    * Black Orcs (From Nyckruscht -- that has nothing to do with them, I just like the word Nyckruscht)
    * Saxid (desert lizard types)

That's just in the playtest version.  I'd like to put a list of man-wolves together and, of course the evil samurai with supporting undead are one of my personal favorites. It's funny to watch the smallish unit of werewolves from the samurai face off against the 7 foot tall blade wielding man-wolves. Whimper whimper.

Anyway, that's a start, but, because we like to flesh out the lists a little more than the chipco guys do.  I think it adds to the overall flavor in the book.  That's really what takes so darn long.

Also, the OOBs seem to help with pickup games a lot, we've got some 500 pt lists, some 1000 pt orders of battle some 2000 pt orders of battle and some humungous orders of battle.

What else would you like to see?


(1 replies, posted in Discussion)


Now this guy knows fashion!


(25 replies, posted in The Sovereign Stars)

nope, I like it better back one revision.


(25 replies, posted in The Sovereign Stars)

That is much better


(25 replies, posted in The Sovereign Stars)

Can we get the actual number in place of the symbol.

oh, yeah and these are the coolest things I have ever seen, they rival the TI 3rd edition graphics in quality.

well done, man!



(47 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

New ship smell?

Wasn't there something about farting at the dinner table?

heh heh heh hunh heh heh hunh


(still 14 after all these years)


(11 replies, posted in For the Masses)

there was talk about making things hex-side based for walls and the like

Fortifications are pretty simple, the actual rule proposed reads thusly:

Fortifications are a blend of terrain and unit – artificial terrain – intended as protection for the units behind them. In short, fortifications may be any type of permanent barrier designed to prevent bad guys from getting to your sheep.

Fortifications have a defense and a wound value appropriate to their construction. 

For example, a castle wall might have defense of 5 and wounds of 8 while a wooden barricade around a town might have defense 1 wounds 4.

Fortifications are not subject to the unit size limitations. That is, they may fill a single hex or many more than 12.

Fortifications may never be moved.


(1 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

I do a scenario for Starmada that has asteroids moving pretty much randomly, d6 for direction, d6 for distance during the end phase. 

Any ship in the hex at the start of the turn takes a 5+ 1/1/1 attack.

the players really seem to like it, and it makes no difference at all whether it's "realistic" or not.



(7 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

It's my impression that folks generally give feedback with their pocketbooks.

TMW on top at RPGnow for most of the weeks since it's been released is a good indicator of people's opinion...

However, I am fairly impressed, if that makes you feel any better  big_smile


(16 replies, posted in Discussion)

That means it would pretty much have to be a Sunday. OTOH perhaps we should get a group from the forums and meet at a con. (How I wish I could get to Origins this year.) Any ideas on either front?

Sunday's fine with me. Name the day(s)



(16 replies, posted in Discussion)

A saturday would be better, but Let me know if a sunday table is more likely


(16 replies, posted in Discussion)

a weekly thing to play IS and Starmada and maybe a few lesser starship

okay, When's the first one?



(16 replies, posted in Discussion)


why can't you be closer than 2.5 hours away?



(11 replies, posted in For the Masses)

We are still developing any plan of how to implement the changes.

I would only add that there are some fairly significant changes to the system.  We're not just looking at errata and "pretti-fication"

We've done some major work on points of issue and done some deep development of major races to add to the mix.

However, there is still lots of opportunity for player input. 

Also, there is no formal release date set.  It'll be done when it is done.  smile You can imply, however, that we are very close, I wouldn't release just a draft copy, even to playtesters, after all.



(11 replies, posted in For the Masses)

Let me know who wants a copy.

Playtest draft, may change completely , no points system as i am still cogitating upon the value of a d6


(10 replies, posted in Iron Stars)

As has been reminded to me over and over

the Ether has no substance.


Even though the ether is constantly dancing it's swirling and turbulent dance, there is no effect on mundane objects like ships, people, or muffins.



(3 replies, posted in Discussion)

I would like to state here and now that I cannot codone this type of action by any memebr of our mj12 cabal.  Personal attacks are juvenile and unforgivable.

When I get out of the dawghouse, I'll apologize.

btw, did anyone happen to save the post?  It was [snipped] in it's entirety by Herr Bill.  I should have kept it, it was a work af art. I remember the first two, but have forgotten the third.



(26 replies, posted in Starmada)

re roll to hit can only be used once.

I'd quote the book, but I'm a lousy typer and the damn pdf is password locked!

Dan, when you lock the pdfs, please allow copying text.



(3 replies, posted in Game Design)

For the Record, For the Masses uses almost the exact same system as Ares for point definition, which, so far, with minor issues regarding command value, has stood up to both the Math test and extensive playtesting.

We're tweaking the system now as well, so it should be even better!
