(75 replies, posted in Miniatures)

Rackham Entertainment's plans for army boxes have leaked to the shops tho their site is still rather quiet about pretty much anything, really. Here's an entry on the official AT-43 forum that displays what's expected to be in the Cogs army box:

For the price of $70, it looks quite reasonable (one must to recall the Cogs are large models, something like twice the size of an AT-43 human model). Expected release date looks to be June, which is also the official time of release of the day for the Cogs in general.

EDIT: release date has now been officially confirmed to be July for the Cogs box, as per news item on TMP (you can also see the current projected cover art):

At this rate, it'll be out November-ish wink


(7 replies, posted in Discussion)

Well, I read it but am not a huge fan. The poser-generated digizombie look of the characters is grating on my (obviously perfect) aesthetic sense. And the plot seems to be a bit like a rehash of Firefly. But it beats reading manga-inspired trite I suppose. That, and actually, like, working.


(2 replies, posted in Defiance)

I've understood it's simply intented to say that the frame retains the "effector" to the movement. Note that it says "capabilities", not "distances", "ranges" or anything directly referencing the distance the frame (or rather, the model representing the frame, obviously) can be moved.

smokingwreckage wrote:

A Primary Commander IIRC must be chosen as part of a standard unit, ref page 14 "How Units Activate" subheading "Primary Commader"

I've understood the net effect of the Commander rules to be that while a Commander must be chosen from an organizational Standard unit in order to be designated as the Primary, the said Commander can be fielded as the sole member of such a unit (pg. 19). It is technically permissible to assign a unit slot to house a Commander if you like (as per Organic genre Queen frame), but I don't think it's absolutely necessary in order to field an individual PC. So I think one can have all of the possible combinations: a PC without a designated (or fielded) "retinue", a PC with a designated but not fielded "retinue" and a PC with both designted and fielded retinue. What you can't have is a PC with an ad hoc "retinue" created on game to game basis.


(3 replies, posted in Defiance)

smokingwreckage wrote:

My assumption has always been that Size has no points cost (it makes you slightly easier to shoot at) but this isn't explicitly stated in the builder rules AFAIK- although you can arbitrarily designate ALL frames as Sz 3 if you want (and this is both stated explicitly and done at no cost.)

You mean the "race of giants" rule? I admit I'm biased towards a certain interpretation since I believe I was the one who suggested it, but my idea of it is it simply means that if all your infantry frames are size 3 then there is no exclusive penalty associated with size 3 units. I don't think it's meant to say that you can generate from size 1/2 lists and then "cherrypick" the size to be 3.

So, since the Dragoon is obviously generatred from the size 2 list I think that the size is simply an error that has crept in along with the other "old army list" errors.

That said, since it's a flying unit the size issue in practice doesn't matter much one way or the other. The Dragoons aren't going to do a whole lot of climbing or hiding behind other units in any case.


(11 replies, posted in Defiance)

Alternating activation miniature games are a little like ice hockey in the sense that in a way you'll be wanting to exploit some of the game's rules. How you go about it of course different.

I think in all AAMGs I've ever played, one will be wanting for opportunities to go "I go, you go (if you'll have anything to go with)" on opponent's *ss. It's often viable to pull this off by the simple expedient of getting more activations on the table than you opponent -- that will typically simply mean more and smaller units.

It is of course also somewhat realistic to expect that a number of smaller units will be more flexible than one or two large ones, tho in real life you of course don't get the "all-seeing eye" the miniature game player typically has and thus coordinating numerous separate units tends to offset the benefits AFAIK.

Anyway, to get back to MGs... In crude AA mechanics, you can automatically achieve (barring catasthrophic errors and really bad luck) the chance to do an "activation rush" at some point, usually at the end of the turn. More sophisticated mechanics alleviate this to a large extent. One way to do this is to randomise the activations @ Defiance to ensure it's rare that either player can rely on getting to rush.


(11 replies, posted in Defiance)

The disadvantages of having a single big unit under the mob rule are indeed considerable and I'm sure they balance out the higher "breakpoint" in most quality classes. What I'm not entirely sure if they do so if you take a mob of Elites. Can't say if this is an issue really tho, since to actually get to field one at full strength would typically require serious choices at army design time, or a very big game, so it's not like I have tried it (or am likely to try for that matter).


(11 replies, posted in Defiance)

smokingwreckage wrote:

did your group decide that Mobs needed nobbling because they repeatedly proved overwhelming, or did they just not  LIKE the idea of a unit of 20 with minimum size of 4?

They just didn't like it on the "I reads and I thinks" level. I don't recall anyone around here fielding a mob tho I considered a Spondylocrit mob for a Vobian force but had to cut it off eventually to fit in something else.


(11 replies, posted in Defiance)

You are correct that it's not said in the rules or in the errata that being in a mob formation doubles the unit's minimum size*. Likewise the errata has nothing further to say on the Unit Banner.

Because of the lack of contrary evidence and since these are not in direct oppostion one must conclude -- until Demian comes around and says otherwise tongue -- that the relevant entries are correct as written.

I suppose it sorta makes sense from the rules standpoint as the Leaders of mob formation units are at reduced efficency and thus a unit banner can be used to compensate. It also might just make sense from the fluff standpoint as one might assume mobs like to rally around banners (or pitchforks and torches, but to itch his own as they say).


*) I must add that this is really considered an error by other gamers in my group, but like I said, lack of contrary evidence etc.


(5 replies, posted in Defiance)

Sounds like you had a time to die for then, doesn't it? And the piccies are nice too. Yoda says: "remember to crosspost to the TMP "SF Battle Reports" Section you will?"

RE: indirect fire -- it's indeed a serious handicap if your force has no such weapons or too few and of disbutable quality. It's fairly obvious tho if one looks at the rules so one can't really complain too loudly. OTOH the rules do make just storming a dug-in enemy a somewhat viable option, but for that you'll probably be wanting an APC to carry the shock troops. Grenades and cone weapons help a bit, but the former are hampered by the terrain cut-off distance and the grenades are rather short ranged so a bit of break in terrain placement is needed if you want to use them to put the hurt to some "(trigger) happy campers".


(75 replies, posted in Miniatures)

MegaMiniature's latest batch of releases includes a new bug type alien cleverly dubbed "Biobug". The name might indicate traditonal Arachnid/Tyranid "biomechanic" bug, but the miniatures are of dude-in-suit type insectoids. Two sculpts come with techy weapons and 1 is unarmed, for a total of (just) 3 scuplts. The nominal scale is 25mm.

Also still available from last month are humanoid doggy aliens, almost equally cleverly named "Kanines". The scale and the sculpt selection is similar to the Biobugs, as is the basic "human in a costume" aesthetic.

The site also provides rules for both, but not Defiance rules (fairly) obviously...


(13 replies, posted in Discussion)

Blacklancer99 wrote:

I think it's because they don't have any other invented swears [...] makes colonial tourettes sufferers less interesting

Farscape was better in this regard, tho they did say "frell" a lot too.


(75 replies, posted in Miniatures)

ZombieSmith has the new "Royalist" Quar out. As can be exepected, the only difference to the older ones looks to be in the guns and the uniforms.

The quick can see examples on their main page for a few days, while the dead will need to dig through their site:

Defiance miniatures has published a sneak peek of an upcoming, techier race called the To'oks (judging by armour, the rider figure previously shown -- in the first post of this thread -- is probably a To'ok as well):

They do look rather promising for use in the real Defiance, actually 8-)


(75 replies, posted in Miniatures)

January listing for NewBold include Shadowrun-style near future trolls and more space lizardmen:

For a bit of old news, an up-and-coming company Ground Pounder Miniatures unveiled the first greens for its similarly up-and-coming miniature line (there is a game up-and-coming as well but we can safely ignore that tongue) last Christmas. Some nasty cyborgised combat biounits (derived from humans, ostensibly, but with those body plans who cares?) are shown. Also check out the gallery for some rather nice alien concepts.


(13 replies, posted in Defiance)

So, you are gonna play like you've got TWO pairs..? tongue


(54 replies, posted in Defiance)

Smokingwreckage's latest effort, an authorized Kryomek(tm) conversion list is now up on my D:VG site:

grendeljd wrote:

So, just curious, did anyone like the new pic I posted?

Fishing for compliments, aren't we? tongue

Well, it's a nice piece. A good action snapshot. Not sure about how the troopers are holding on to their guns tho, all gingerly-like... What's up with that?

Taking a shot in the dark (or at least in insufficient light), the cropping I assume is due to the forum software being set at a fixed column width. Or something.


(3 replies, posted in Defiance)

drsid wrote:

1. I'm trying to wrap my head around the term "frame"  is this basically a D:Vg term for "figure/model" or am I not getting it?

Like Brother Jim said, frame is essentially a statistics list from other minis games (or RPGs). The difference being that in many if not most miniature games, the stat line is introduced at unit level, while while in D:VG, a unit is a collection of Frames.

What models you use to represent the Frames on tabletop is more or less up to you: there is no need for all models of a given Frame to be exactly the same "type" of model (representing one unit as defined by a model manufacturer, that is), as long as they have recognizably similar level of equipment and can be thought to be of the same Quality (highly abstract at best).

2. I am trying to figure out what sizes different models would constitute.  Just want to give you examples of what I think the sizes mean...

Size is rather abstracted, and therefore open to personal interpretation: it's not something than can or need be expressed strictly in millimeters. The guidelines given in the book (pg. 11) however show that it's to be thought of as volume rather than height.

Size 1 is something around the size of dog, so smaller than most humanoids usually depicted in miniature. Size 2 is basically human-sized, or more abstractly the baseline model size, regardless of the species or army. Size 3 is like a very compact car, or indeed a mounted model, or a large battle suit like Terminator Armour. Size 4 would be something like a large car, and so on.

So a biggish dwarf (like Rackham's dwarves for example) would be more at Size 2 than Size 1, while in the Defiance universe the Meraxilla are still Size 2 as well, despite being clearly larger than humans (well in excess of two meters in height, judging by some pictures).

IIRC it is not very clearly stated that Vehicles need to be at least Size 4, but I've always taken it as implied under the standard rules. So ruleswise, Anime Mecha would be Size 4 and up, while a mecha suit model could be Size 3 or maybe even Size 2 Infantry, depending on how large it is compared to your baseline models.

If you look at the At-43 inspired lists on my site (http://herosgames.homestead.com/DVG.html) and compare them with the models, you can get more pointers as to how I've resolved the Size issue. But, like I said, it's not something that is exactly dictated.

drsid wrote:

There is a lot of data that is presented when writing out the army list and the specific units and weapons, and such.  I would imagine some of this data is primarily for the creation phase versus not necessarily for the actual game play itself. Am I correct in this?

Obviously you only publish the stuff one needs in order to play the game using the list, so there is no need to write down how PV for a frame accumulated, for example, or what a specific Augmentation does. The lists in the D:VG book have some stuff in them that strictly speaking would not need to be there, e.g. they repeat of rules for different types of combiweapons, and I have largely followed the "convention".

I love the style of the pages in the book describing the forces and the sample assault trooper page on the download section. Has anyone made a template of this?

There was an aborted attempt at making an Excell-based points cost calculation tool some years back, and while the file AFAIK never got finalised, IIRC it was able to format what was entered to look like the "data cards" in the D:VG book. You could try sending a PM to Demian, I'm sure he has the latest version of the file.

Also, out of curiosity, do people use Defiance to simply convert armies from other game systems or do people  create an entire new setting and simply use miniatures from different systems to represent the armies that populate that setting?

Yes. With the caveat that I really don't know of that many cases where anyone is actually doing anything at all with it, obviously.

Also, the Boer war-esque figures that are in the main rule book ... anyone actual manufacture those?

Not that I know of, and I must say I don't think anyone will (unless someone "borrows" the designs and makes non-Defiance-Boers-in-space). Would be happy to be proven wrong, preferably on both counts, but the last and best I heard was that "options were being looked at" to produce Defiance minis and that was quite a while ago.


(1 replies, posted in Defiance)

Well, I was consciously trying to push the D:VG envelope a bit with Project Industrial Fantasy. It's a still ongoing -- albeit extremely slowly -- attempt to "simulate" a type of currently popular (in literature) fantasy with what is essentially a modern/science fiction game. Incidentally, the up-and-coming Defiance expansion likely contains another, fairly different take on the subject in the form of a new genre modification. I obviously used only what was in the original book.

IIRC Demian says somewhere that you can sensibly expect to get balanced results for periods extending from sometime in the 19th century on to the future. I should think this would indicate periods where firearms truly dominate the battlefield. D:VG wouldn't necessarily work as well for games in settings where close combat is the order of the day and a determined straight-out charge against ranged combat troops can still be considered a viable tactic. Or even where majority of the troops still only use hand weapons, regardless. Technically, it would be possible of course but the mechanic isn't meant for that so balance likely suffers.

Not a problem in itself with an industrial fantasy setting, of course.

As to using other ranged weapons than firearms, I don't think it's impossible in any way but you'll need to allow for them not being "realistic" in performance when compared to the future tech of TL3 stuff. Compared to early firearms, bows and crossbows (at the abstraction level used by D:VG) aren't necessarily much if at all inferior, performancewise. I do believe it was largely logistics that dictated the rise of rifles and you really can't factor all that much logistics into a D:VG force, aside of limiting the availability of certain troops.

Still "not the Defiance miniatures you are looking for", but at least now we have an official site and the first products out:

As to what this would do to ever getting the Defiance miniatures you are looking for, well... It might just be one's gotta love the smell of a law suit in the morning if one wanted to make any.


(6 replies, posted in Defiance)

stingray75 wrote:

Rather im intrested in finding out that when the rules state that all AOE weapons hawe ammo limitation of 4-6

All weapon frames designed as AOE have FR=1 and initial ammo limitation of 4 (and it can be upped to 6 by paying extra points), yes...

do this limitation aply to After burst as it is a AOE weapon

...but like I said, After-Burst is not a weapon per se. It's an augmentation to a weapon frame. Therefore I should think it does not affect the weapon frame itself directly beyond what is explicitly stated.

As to what is stated, my understanding of the entry is that

    [*]It starts by stating that the After-Burst is an "also" effect which would imply the frame retains its point effect, which is something designed AOE frames do not have (so it can't be a normal AOE weapon in any case)[*]This is reinforced by stating the augmented weapon needs to score a damaging hit (worked out normally, for all I can tell) so that the After-Burst effect occurs (to be worked out separately)[*]Furthermore it is also expressly mentioned that the burst occurs touching the first target in the line of fire. Stating this would make little sense if the weapon would become FR=1 weapon due to the aug, as there would ever be at most one target hit in the line of fire


(6 replies, posted in Defiance)

stingray75 wrote:

But here is the question is after burst weapons under the same restrictions as other AOE weapons like max FR1, ammo 4-6

After-Burst, as per other augmentations, is an add-on to a frame already designed, so the entry lists limiations/requirements as to what kind of a frame you can assign the aug to.

As far as I can see, there is no other limitations in the rules or the errata other than that the weapon may not have indirect fire capability (tho I suppose one might want to interpret this as a stipulation against using the aug in conjuction with indirect fire specifically). So while it can be pretty much anything otherwise available, really, you can't use this augmentation to create an indirect fire anti-vehicle weapon (as per rules, phase weapons do have indirect targeting capability but they aren't counted as IF weapons per se).


(75 replies, posted in Miniatures)

Amend the "March 09" in my previous post to "April 09" for the ETA of the Cogs as per the latest from Rackham Entertainment.

Meanwhile, Pulp Figures has added to their line of Radon Zombies: troopers armed with ray guns of various sizes (as I recall, they are all "ray guns" in the pulps, from pistols to rifles), plus an apparently unarmed female leader. The figs are pretty human (in fact they look a bit like discoloured versions of the Phantom) but should work quite well as aliens in your pulpy "aliens are the guys with the weird skintone, lumpy forehead optional" type of games.

Should be the latest releases listed on this page: