(1 replies, posted in Starmada)

Corvus Belli is releasing a new version of Infinity and using Starmada as a faction name.
I hope that worked.

It still might be possible.
IIRC it's a game where each counter represents a squad, not an individual.

I thought that ADB was working on a ground based game called "Federation Marines" or something like that.??

That would be cool !!


(23 replies, posted in News)

Looked at PDF's from several different sources (MJ12, Mongoose, Reli-on and my former employer) and ALL of them "lose" text and images when Adobe is set to black background with white text. I can read everything and see images if it's set to white background and black text. Even though some of the text looks more like medium grey than black.



(23 replies, posted in News)


I hadn't thought to check. It's been a while since I looked at the PDFs.

Will let you know.


(23 replies, posted in News)

I think I figured out the problem.

I have Adobe set to black background with white text (MUCH easier for my cataract having eyes to see), but the PDF don't like that.

I put it back to normal and the redacted text comes back. I'm just gonna get headaches while trying to read it.


(23 replies, posted in News)

How do I take a screen shot??


(23 replies, posted in News)

And it looks like the DriveThruRPG copy has been redacted for security reasons.

Big blocks of text are blacked out.


(23 replies, posted in News)

Downloaded !!!!11!!!1!1!!111111 big_smile


(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

OOOOOH!!   I didn't think about Fire-Linked!!! That would work perfectly for the Multi-Phased Cutter (which I do give the ships multiples of).



(7 replies, posted in Starmada)

I used Regeneration. Other "living" ships from B5 did not appear to "heal" during a fight, which is what Regen is.
The Cloaking device represents the ability to Phase into and out of Hyperspace. The Cargo is not actually cargo, but the only way I could get the sheet to calculate the Cloak being better than normal. When Cloaking the ship can not hit mines or asteroids as it is only partially in this reality.
The Multi Phased Cutter 1 through 4 (only goes to 2 on this ship) was an attempt to put the extremely powerful and flexible rules from B5 FA into Starmada terms.

Type: DESTROYER A-class SHADOW MEDIUM (1313)               
Hull: 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1                
Engines: [TL5] 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1                                
Shields: [TL5] 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1                                
Weapons: [TL5] 1:[V] 2:[W] 3:[] 4:[] 5:[] 6:[]               
Battery V: Heavy Phasing Pulse Cannon, 4/8/12, 1/3+/3/2, Anti-Fighter; Increased Hits; Halves Shields               
[AC] [BD]                
Battery W: Mode1: Multi Phased Cutter 1, 5/10/15, 3/3+/1/1, Anti-Fighter               
Mode2: Multi Phased Cutter 2, 5/10/15, 3/3+/2/2,                
[ACE] [BDF]                
Special: [TL5] Hyperdrive; Cloaking Device; Cargo (282); Regeneration; Countermeasures; Fire Control; Anti-Fighter Batteries (5)               
Fighters: [TL5]


(10 replies, posted in Starmada)

I use it on my B5 Shadows to represent the Energy Diffusers.


(6 replies, posted in Defiance)

Are those Lego clone troopers ??  How tall are they compared to the CMG figs ??

Cool buildings !!


(10 replies, posted in News)

Hello !!!


(13 replies, posted in Discussion)

I got rid of McAfee.
No more annoying red flags.
My computer does everything faster now.
Am using AVG and not having all the problems that Crapafee was causing.


(13 replies, posted in Discussion)

Here's a link to the page


There's still no reason for it that I can see. But I am becoming more and more annoyed with McAfee lately.


(8 replies, posted in The Admiralty Edition)

Thanks for these.  I'll look them over and let you know what I think. I would like to see any other fleets you've done too. I have to warn you that I don't know how long it will take for me to do that though. After all, I've been working on conversions from AoG's Fleet Action rules since The Starmada Compendium!!  lol  :shock:  lol


(13 replies, posted in Discussion)

XP with the latest updates, the latest (non beta) version of Firefox.


(13 replies, posted in Discussion)

Just to let ya'll know I'm getting a "red don't go there" warning for this site. But when I go to check it out, I don't see any reason for it.? No spam, no viruses, nothing.


(25 replies, posted in Starmada)

KDLadage wrote:


Just a thought from the peanut gallery... but I think the idea of making a Shield 6, 7, 8, 9, or higher harder to penetrate than a 5 is not needed. If you want to allow Shields of 9... then allow them.

But... make PEN rolls of '6' always penetrate.

Thus, if you have Shields 9 and take damage that reduces the shields by one level, then you have a Shield rating of 8... and despite having taken damage, only 17% of PEN dice are going to penetrate... still. Not until they manage to get your below the 5 mark will your shields lose any effectiveness.

This seems the easiest, and least intrusive way of handling this.

In my opinion.

For those that think that Shields 6+ are being ripped off... consider that Piercing +3 will still need a 6 to penetrate a Shield 8+ ship...

I like this.


(12 replies, posted in The Admiralty Edition)

The files appear to be gone ?


(25 replies, posted in News)

I don't actually "hate" it, but I have really bad eyesight and I can't afford new glasses until after the new year.
Is there an option for a dark background with light colored letters?


(3 replies, posted in Defiance)

I think of a "Frame" as being a "stat line". Each model has its own "stat line" and each weapon has its own "stat line".


(14 replies, posted in Discussion)

I've become a Dr Pepper convert recently