(50 replies, posted in Discussion)


We do this in my campaign where the size of a shipyard is limited by the SU per strategic turn. So at the beginning, shipyards could build say 100 SU / turn and as techs increased up to 200 SU /turn. Players began defining ships by size so that ships build in one or two turns were ES/DD, 2-3 turns were cruisers and capital ships 5+ turns to build. As time progresses, the ships are getting naturally larger. Players do gravitate toward break points but the SU become very important.


(50 replies, posted in Discussion)

New favorite: Stone Brewery's Ruination. Good stuff.


(6 replies, posted in Starmada)

In the campaigns I've played in we assume that the SU is the indicator of mass/size not the HS. We use the WW2 size relationship of a 40,000 ton BB, 10,000 ton CA, and 2,500 ton DD (16:4:1) as the relationship between classes in our campaigns. So if you set a capitalship to be HS 10 (1,996 SU), a cruiser will be around 500 SU (HS 4) and a destroyer around 125 SU (HS 2). This reflects the much greater combat power present in a capitalship.


(10 replies, posted in The Admiralty Edition)

My second take is similar to the first except substituting a fighter swarm for a small ship swarm.


     Hull:     9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
[0] Engines:  6 6 5 4 4 3 2 2 1
[0] Shields:  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1:  2:  3:  4:  5:  6:

Special:  [0] Hyperdrive; [0] Carrier (750)

Comments: Carrying fifteen (15) squadrons of the RAFAEL-STANDARD FIGHTER, this class was designed as a pure fighter carrying platform. The BROBDINGNAG class is in serious trouble if caught without its fighters in space. In the basic rules, all fighters begin on the board but if required to launch  them during a scenario, this class will take five (5) turns to launch its standard fifteen (15) fighter groups.

50, 6/10/5+/0


(10 replies, posted in The Admiralty Edition)

My first thought is a classic swarm fleet. A horde of small fast ships that will run an opponent down and destroy them.


     Hull:     2 1
[0] Engines:  10 5
[0] Shields:  1 1

1:W  2:W  3:W  4:W  5:W  6:W
W: [0] Laser Carronade:  4/8/12,  1/3+/1/1, Carronade
[AB] [AB]

Special:  [0] Hyperdrive; [0] Armor Plating; [0] Countermeasures; [0] Stealth


(10 replies, posted in The Admiralty Edition)

Recently, it was proposed to me by another member of the MJ12 forums that, as we live in the same town, we should meet and pit a fleet of our own designs against each other. I felt that it would be a good idea to post those fleets here for validation and a little constructive feedback from the community. I will be designing several fleets of approximately 2,500 point value and on the day of the game I will choose one of the various designs so that my opponent will not know my fleet composition.


(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

Now that ADB is releasing .PDF versions of their stuff, I have every Starmada related product in PDF format.


(50 replies, posted in Discussion)

So, Sierra Nevada now has a Double IPA, called Torpedo, that is quite good. I might have to put it as number 2 on my list.

cricket wrote:

The good news is that you don't need to understand the exponents: the table on page 28 does all the math for you. smile

Well, just a quick read through shows sqrt (^0.5) in the Flight Capacity Requirement rules (F.1). sad


(6 replies, posted in Starmada)

I would like to second (or is it fourth?) this suggestion as well. I didn't even realize that the new Fighter-Exclusive weapon trait existed until I read a random thread. It would be nice to get a new Rules Annex with all the new doodads without buying into the SFB verse.


(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

Has any thought ever been given to doing Starmada in a d10 as opposed to a d6 format? Seems like it would offer a little more flexibility and range of numbers. Don't get me wrong, d6 Starmada is great (getting a little tired of the FC focus though).


(18 replies, posted in Starmada)

I played starfire from the second edition (Imperial Starfire) through 4th edition (Ultra). To me, the economic rules were severely broken, with players getting way too much money and fielding massively unweildable fleets. Campaigns began to feel like throwing money down a warp line;the most money wins. I loved the ship design and tactical rules though. I casually follow the progression of the new edition of rules (Cosmic?) but they seem to be making little or no progress and it seems it has become a very small niche game. Too bad, It had a lot of potential and good tie ins with David Weber's Starfire books that they just didn't exploit. There is a new Steve White Starfire book, the sequel to Exodus and the owners of Starfire are ignoring it...free publicity for their game and they are ignoring it?!?


(40 replies, posted in Starmada)

All these special equipment ideas kinda died out with the release of SAE hunh?


(43 replies, posted in Starmada)

In our local campaign we base construction time off of SU. The longer you build, the more you can build. Modified by TL.


(20 replies, posted in News)

Are the Gorn in this one?


(24 replies, posted in Starmada)

cricket wrote:

Not sure what you mean by simpler than version 1 -- I'm not sure it can get any simpler than that. smile

Version 0 anyone?


(14 replies, posted in News)

As long as the Gorns are in Romulan Armada, I'll be a happy camper.


(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

Wow..it actually appears to be written in Middle English. Chaucer played Starmada?


(30 replies, posted in News)

As feared..no PDF version yet, only dead tree. I'll wait for the PDF version.


(25 replies, posted in Starmada)

KDLadage wrote:

Just a thought from the peanut gallery... but I think the idea of making a Shield 6, 7, 8, 9, or higher harder to penetrate than a 5 is not needed. If you want to allow Shields of 9... then allow them.
But... make PEN rolls of '6' always penetrate.
Thus, if you have Shields 9 and take damage that reduces the shields by one level, then you have a Shield rating of 8... and despite having taken damage, only 17% of PEN dice are going to penetrate... still. Not until they manage to get your below the 5 mark will your shields lose any effectiveness.
This seems the easiest, and least intrusive way of handling this.
In my opinion.
For those that think that Shields 6+ are being ripped off... consider that Piercing +3 will still need a 6 to penetrate a Shield 8+ ship...

I really like this. Its simple and elegant and most importantly, doesn't add another die roll. Not sure how it would cost out though.


(22 replies, posted in Starmada)

cricket wrote:
OldnGrey wrote:

It looks (to me) like ADB have what they want (Another reason to buy our Miniatures!) plus complete control of how it is sold.
Sorry, just a bit "down in the dumps" I guess.

True. But then I have a whole new market for Starmada... and a foot in the door on distribution to FLGS.

The jury is out on how much of a benefit it will be for both sides, but there are no negatives that I can see. Besides, the only way this would have happened was if it were nominally published by ADB -- their license with Paramount does not allow for sublicensing the Star Fleet Universe to other companies, like MJ12.

Not to hijack the thread...but.../begin hijacking.
My biggest beef is that ADB has never released a PDF product and has been hostile in the past to doing so. I fear that I will be forced to buy a dead-tree product from ADB. I don't want one and won't buy one. Hopefully I'm wrong and a PDF product will come out.


(30 replies, posted in News)

So does anyone know anything new about Kingon Armada? No mention of it on ADBs boards. Does it exist yet?


(29 replies, posted in Starmada)

andyskinner wrote:

So are you and japridemor against the original, or against Alchemist's proposal, which is essentially spaceships as regular ships that don't choose engines, and suggesting that limits groups impose on ships might want to relax them for stations?
I'd vote for Alchemist's proposal (which is basically what I think Dan used to say, wondering why people wanted station rules, right?).

I am against bases having any special rules, period. The decision to relax any restrictions imposed on starships should be made by the players in the group without any "official" sanctioning by mentioning it in the rulebooks. If a player wants to design a base; choose a HS and mount what you want within the options allowed in your mileau...just put on no engines.


(29 replies, posted in Starmada)

Against. Bases shouldn't have special rules. They are the same sizes and in the same medium as starships. SU saved by not mounting engines CAN be plowed into bigger guns and stronger defenses.