(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

For me - if escorts don't have a rule that they can block LOS for an enemy ship firing through their hex (or a nearby hex if you have a powerful enough system), there isn't much of a point of having small escorts.


(10 replies, posted in Starmada Unity)

The larger ones are impressive, but 7000 points would be a large game!

For me, I was hopping to capture the feel of the shows but make it so that each "fleet" is around 1500 points.  I don't have much of the other classes of ships so I figured that two Battlestars (at around 750 points apiece) would be a good starting point. 

I would up the range of the railguns. I feel like those had both distance and power at long range.



(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

mikeaxe wrote:

In future I will use one of the alternative movement systems as plotted movement does not realy work solo (no surprise there then  :roll: ) but I wanted to do a vanilla test so just worked through it.

For my initial play throughs that were solo, I used a deck of cards. I either assigned a ship a specific card or each force a color. Both worked pretty well and gave a bit of randomness needed for tactical play. This also works wonders for convention play. Now since plotted moves are back, this isn't much of an issue.

Of course the pilot level in X-Wing might be an interesting thing to try.

mj12games wrote:

I have been wondering if it's not worth stipulating that at least 50% of a ship's ORAT must come from non-expendable sources.

Having this kind of limitation in an universal setting is an issue in my opinion. I would leave it for the  specific settings/ universes and/or 'tournament' play


(25 replies, posted in Starmada)

minnella wrote:
jygro wrote:

In the end, I have about 8 fleet designs (Star Wars, BSG, Babylon 5, Star Frontiers - thankfully the Star Trek ones will be done for me)  that need to be finished and stats created.  This new edition has got me excited for that project again!

Any chance you would consider posting your BSG designs on this board?

As soon as I get a few for the new Nova system and finish them up, I will definitely post them.


(25 replies, posted in Starmada)

I have a couple of things.

1. I know you are going to cringe on this one (and you actually talk about it in the designer notes) are customized fighters with carrier holds.  Many Sci Fi shows have a lot in the small fighter range (Star Wars, Babylon 5, BSG) and the fighter variant section does help, but I feel there is room to expand.   With fighters having to deal with momentum, it is an easy way to model the BSG universe without adding a lot of additional ship cards.  Granted with the way seekers work, it might be easier to use those rules, make the seekers expendable and just have the seekers stay around until destroyed (hmm - might be on to something here)... 

2. I agree with the source book for Imperial Starmada, but I'd like to up the ante and have ships designed and printed as well.  I'd back a kickstarter to FINALLY have a Majestic ship miniature.

In the end, I have about 8 fleet designs (Star Wars, BSG, Babylon 5, Star Frontiers - thankfully the Star Trek ones will be done for me)  that need to be finished and stats created.  This new edition has got me excited for that project again!


(78 replies, posted in Starmada)

I saw this new edition as a 'sponsored link' on Facebook and I had to get a copy.

Congrats on the new edition! I'll need to update all my Star Fleet battles to the new edition as well (which has been talked about).


Thanks for the Tip!


Was looking to buy Klingon and Romulan Armada Nova Editions, but Klingon Armada is listed as out of stock.  Any ideas on a restock date?  I'd love to have the full set of books in the new edition.

EDIT: I had to do some creative searching, but found copies available on ADB website... Whew, I was scared for a while there...


(38 replies, posted in Starmada)

This is going to be the one thing that is going to be hard to wrap my brain around.  Especially since I have a bunch of tiny fighters on bases for the old edition.  Any chance that the fighter options are going to make their way back in the nova edition.  I need fighters to behave differently!



(127 replies, posted in Starmada)

Very cool little program.  I can't wait to get a couple of buddies together to play the new ruleset..



(18 replies, posted in Starmada)

Going with your second question - The key for me on what 'size" is a star destroyer is the size to make a game 'fun'.  I know this sounds like a cop out and it kinda is, but I'm assuming that each player (for convention games) gets between 2 and 5 ships costing about 1000 points.  So my two star destroyers will be around 500 points each.  Cylon will be around 330 points (since I have 3 of them) and so forth and so forth...

Make the game fun first and then worry about how many hull points a start destroyer has! smile

Awesome!  I really  like this rule so I can runhips of different backgrounds.

(I just got my book in the mail - can you tell!)


(9 replies, posted in Starmada)

The main thing that I'm looking for in the new edition is small ship cards!  I know that it is a wierd request, but having a single ship on a half a piece of paper is kinda unwieldly when you get to the 4 to 5 ship mark.  Now that turns are initiative based and the need to write down movement can be removed from the ship card, it might be able to get the ship card smaller.

In my personal heaven, a ship card could fit on a 2.5 by 3.5 car (a normal playing card).  Place in a card protector and attack to our heart's content!  I'd even pay for professionally done ship cards if that was the case.

Maybe the maximum number of  bonus dice is equal to the half the starting number of attack dice rounded up.

So your examples become:
11 +4 = 15
but only 1 + 1 = 2 dice.



(46 replies, posted in Starmada)

There is definitely something to be said that weapons in the arc of travel are a lot easier to bring to bear and might need some modifier. I couldn't even begin to tell you what that is.

On the other hand in a vector movement system a fleet showing in the aft of my ships isn't much of an issue as with sailing ships since at low speeds, I can just turn about relatively quickly. A single turn is probably the most issue.  Now if it was a stern chase and my ships needed to make it off board, then there's something there...



(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

yeah Us!



(46 replies, posted in Starmada)

Blacklancer99 wrote:
cricket wrote:

I've gotta save SOMETHING for the rulebook, right? smile

You know what Cricket, if you just post the complete rules with detailed examples and full color graphics, it would make it easier for everyone here to decide if they like the system and if they want to buy it!  wink

They do that for boardgames and I still buy the game so I'd still buy the book from Dan...

What does that say about me?


(76 replies, posted in Starmada)

I'm pretty excited for this.  It sounds to me that I can make a high damage weapons by making my attack dice hit on a 4+ and I'm sure that I can make them worse by making them only hit on 6+.  I'm also sure that there will be traits that allow me to do two points of damage per hit so that's all covered.

I wish that the movement system had 'more' options than the current system.  I understand the movement system,but new players that come from other space combat systems completely balk at it even if the two systems are akin. 

I reserve my judgment on the inititative system after I get more games with it under my belt, but now I have to wait for the new system and the ships before I send in my events for Klingon Armada for Origins 2012.

In the end, in Dan I trust (and Kevin too - I like Kevin),

cricket wrote:
kehrer1701 wrote:

I just saw the back page in CL44 with the new ship examples.  Does this mean that Shield arcs are no longer a factor? I kind of liked being able to target a weakend shield arc...

I'm still considering how to retain the "feel" of separate shield arcs without having a different set of damage boxes for each one.

Anytime a shield arc gets first 'damaged' by an attack in a turn, you add a tick mark to that shield arc.  You add bonus dice equal to the number of tick marks times 2 (additive would be awesome).

For Example: A battleship take damage to the front shield facing doing damage and a single tick mark is add to the Forward facing.  On the next turn, the same shield arc is hit and the attacker gets to add two dice.  That also adds a second tick mark.  In the third turn, the same ship is hit in the same arc (my advice is to turn). Since there are two tick marks, you add 4 dice to the attack (and a third tick mark). In the fourth turn, the ship is attack in the forward arc again, three tick marks add 6 dice for the attack to a maximum of 5 tick marks (or 10 dice!)

If you go the additive way, the bonus dice are below:

Number of tick marks:1  2  3  4  5
Number of extra dice: 1  3  6 10 15
Or don't get hit a 6th time is the same arc (tick marks could be per attack and not per turn if you wanted some quick battles)


Great campaign. Now I'll have to buy those needed ships so I can fight those battles!


An idea to make tech 'worth' more is to factor the hull size of the ship for maintenance each round.

For Example:  At weapon, engine and shield tech 0.
A hull 2 with an engine of 5 and a shield of 2 with the weapons below costs 32
Battery V:   Laser,  1-3/4-6/7-9,  2/3+/2/2

but at weapon, engine and shield tech 2.
You can create a hull 2 with an engine of 4 and a shield of 3 with the weapons below for 61
Battery V:   Laser  TL2,  1-3/4-6/7-9,  2/3+/2/2
[ab]  [ab]  [ab]

Now this is nothing that you didn't know already.  But lets say you have to pay a maintenance fee of hull size x 5 each turn. Nation A who has the first low-tech ship wants to build a fleet of ~300 credit fleet and purchases 10 of those ships. Nation B who has the second high-tech ship also builds a fleet of ~300 credits but only gets 5. In terms of CR, we are considered 'balance'.

However, the next turn Nation A has to spend 10 credits per ship in maintenance or 100 credits, but Nation B only spends 50 credits!  It now pays to increase your tech levels.

When I was using Starmada / VBAM system for solo games. I had 11 tech levels giving a lot of room to grow (the base tech level in starmada - tech level 0 was actually TL6 for me).  I also made it a curve (new tech level squared x 100) so to go to TL1 to TL2 cost 400 credits but to go from TL8 to TL9 was 8100 credits.

Food for thought?


(19 replies, posted in Starmada)

I love how in the Klingon and Romulan Armada you can fire drones (read strikers/seekers here) in a defensive role before offensive drones attack.  Might be something to add.

Of course, others have talked about a great counter for those strikers already so  I won't get into that!  When we were playing, we got 3 to 5 random weapon traits and 3 to 5 random starship traits and had to make a fleet with that.  It was a lot of fun to 'figure' out how to use the effectively.  You guys might try that!



(3 replies, posted in Starmada)

I'm working on a new (and improved) fleet design for my BSG ships and really like the  idea of plasma torps rules for the nukes that the cylons have.  Heck, add ammo to the mix and you got the colonials as well.  My question is what the conversion from direct fire to seeker so I can create those cool nukes!

Direct Fire -> Seeker
1/2 Range -= Speed (rounded? - see Plasma S and G)
Size = Looks like it's a function of IMP and DMG, but definitely not linear.
ACC -> Attack (ACC+1)/(ACC+2)/(ACC+3).
Defense = 0



(2 replies, posted in Starmada)

This is a pretty cool idea.  I'll definitely have to try it.  Another idea is that each commander rolls 3d6.  Those results (each taken separately) can boost a ship's engine fire for firing purposes...
