I won't try to lead you on.

1) What with 2005 being the year of the WWI Air combat in Jim-land and the year of Noel-being-out-of-the-US-more-than-he's-in-the-US I've put it on a back burner.

2) I didn't know if there was anybody out there actually interested in a second edition.  This pretty much says to me "yes" there is.

That all said, I feel like we can nail down the new edition in just a few months (give it the 6-12 range). But I don't want to commit.

Please, anyone who has suggestions send them on to me or Noel, and we'll take them into consideration as we determine how hard to work on this.

There's a lot more to it than that, and I'll bore you all with the details if you want, but I don't think you want that. So... that's an honest "I dunno" from me.  But I'm thinking about it.


(123 replies, posted in Starmada)

what Dan says is all true, every last word of it.

whoops, should have deleted that word.

no however, just me posting without thinking too hard.

We should try out the Ass. Corps rules whis weekend.

PLEASE don't call it that.


space-based scenarios are often "two fleets attacking each other on a flat table". I figured there had to be some way of putting more variety into space-based wargames, and so I started jotting down some thoughts on that during our long drive.

Agreed, and I Like the roll 50 dice against PEN when ships hit the asteroids.  I run a similar scenario at conventions wherein Some asteroids are marked as objectives and fighter flights are used to "dock" with the asteroids and spend a turn "searching" for the magic beans or whatever they need to find on the asteroids.  Gives players a reason to take the ships into the asteroid field in order to protect/attack the fighter flights.

I also use the d6 for direction, d6 for distance rule on the asteroid movement.


We should try out the Ass. Corps rules whis weekend.

Anyone want to meet in Peoria at the game store Sunday PM?


(5 replies, posted in For the Masses)

well, heck,

I didn't even think it...


(5 replies, posted in For the Masses)

I think you can walk in and still get the deal...

Amaxzon. com had this deal I got it from.

(is that sentence even in english?)


(3 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

I am happy with it, for sure!

Now, down to the nitty gritty.

Let's talk about the expansion smile

I'm thinking of developing a campaign system and more pilot benefits along with additional plane charts and certainly more missions.

<rolls up sleeves> who wants to help!


(3 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)


and I say Woot!


(5 replies, posted in For the Masses)

My 5th and 6th copies of Heroscape arrived today.

I hate you hasbro and your two for one sale.

p.s. nobody tell the wife  :oops:  :wink:  :twisted:


(0 replies, posted in Discussion)

I foolishly entered the TMP* design a Knights TMPlar logo contest.

Go there and Vote for my logos, (#9 and #10)


* Yes I know that's THE The Miniatures Page, "Mickey Blue Eyes" anyone?


(3 replies, posted in Defiance)


mmmmm crunchy (but expensive)


(2 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

My official decision regarding the phase vs turn issue: The terms "Phase" and "Turn" are used interchangeably in the rulebook.

I was going through the book and realized that I had ben using those two terms both Willy and Nilly (to quote the vernacular) throughout the book.


(17 replies, posted in Game Design)

Now a game oriented around Fandom....

That might be something else smile


(0 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

First, thanks for the great comments!

Next, I'm not trying to make a detailed simulation here, if you want more detail, get a computer game. smile 

Finally, (and the meat of the post)

What I'm going for is a fairly quick playing game that attempts to "feel" like man-to-man combat in biplanes.  It's a bit of a simulation, and a bit of a Beer and Pretzel game.  But believe me, I am taking this very seriously.  I'd love to see Aces at Dawn Tournaments start up at the conventions.  I think the fast-play nature of the game lends itself well to tourney play.

I used for my inspiration, the descriptions of battles in the first person.  What I got from those stories was this: WWI air combat was about maneuver, oftimes, the enemy was "Driven off" rather than killed and it was damn hard to hit your opponent. Balloons were protected fiercely and were even harder to hit.

Maneuver is king. I think I've nailed with the cards and the interaction between the cards and the board.  I really like the combination of planning and on-the-spot decisions that the cards require and allow.  You've got tons of options, even if you play nothing but forward movement and a slow turn card.  The difficulty to hit is a result of the distances between the planes and the maneuvers of the planes.

In other words, there's a fun tension between what you want to have happen in the long run and what you need to get done “right now”.  And it's fun, if I do say so myself smile


(17 replies, posted in Game Design)


League play is too much like campaign play for my taste.  Takes too long.


(15 replies, posted in Discussion)

Go 2006 Cubbies!


(2 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

On the "Game Turn/ Phase issue" I did notice that, I'll be working on that.

On Banking: You've got the Banking thing correct, you must be banked to turn, you select your bank at the end of each phase and you "slip" on a forward move only, note slip is not on the climb or dive card.

It's my way of trying to make the game move quickly.  Banking is simply a way to indicate to your opponent that you are going to be moving "left" or "right" next movement.

It also allows you to react to opponents' maneuvers and keeps the game from slowing down too much with the "I need to look at your maneuver before you move soI can see which way your going."


(15 replies, posted in Discussion)

Go 2006 Cubbies!


(0 replies, posted in Starmada)

From Mike:

I'm cross-posting this from the Xtreme hobby forum, so I'll take it down if mike has trouble with it.

Mike a.k.a. Human Machine wrote:

Hey Folks...

First of all, please allow me to apologize for the cryptic and somewhat vague message that we've been giving you. It's the best statement we can make at the moment.

Now, here, I will try to explain, as honestly as I can, what's going on and what you can expect.

Xtreme Hobby is me, Mike. We're not a huge corporate super entitiy that has an enormous factory floor and casting machines out the wahzoo with several seast of Rhino running 24-7. I run the business mostly out of my laptop or desktop, a wireless modem and my shipping department is me, my wife, five cats and 2 1/2 year old twins. I work out of my den and do the best I can. Saddly, due to my limited resources, I'm forced to out-source much of my produciton effort.

Earlier this year, I was laid off from work. I was able to concentrate some on Xtreme Hobby, but, it simply wasn't going to pay the bills (in fact it was barely sefl sustaining). a little over a month ago, I have found a new job and this new job, as any new job does, requires a lot of effort and time. Thus, I have not been able to keep up with the demands of Xtreme Hobby, the new Job and the family. Something had to give.

That's the personal side of it.

The professional side of it is this. There are simply a lot of questions that I don't have an answer for.
Our EStore is run vitually entirely by Paypal. This is more that satisfactory for domestic orders. International orders however, have left me in a complete quandry. It costs a lot to ship overseas and, to have shipments turn up lost is frankly killing me. Switching to a more secure means of shipping (FedEx and UPS is a stop gap. Because they cost more (A LOT more) and nobody seems to like it.)
I don't really know how to upgrade from Paypal without paying through the nose. And, I refuse to roll those costs onto you. And, I really don't have an answer as to how to get my ships to your international folks.

Production. This has always been a thorn in my side- getting my ships cast in a quality I'd be willing to ship to you. Fact is, I am still fighting with that quality control bug. The mistakes I made with Wave 1, I'm still paying for. The advice I've received proved fruitless. And, I've made some pretty horrible business decisions based off of that advice.

Basing is another issue. The bases we have, while better than they were before, are still not satisfactory. And, short of doing my own bases (which would increase the cost of the mini like 20%+), I have no idea how to present a quality base for these ships to you.

Finding good help at a price that I can afford is also a tough issue. The saying "If you want things done right- Do it yourself" cannot be more true for me. In many cases, the work I've received had to be done over, and over, and over again, or comepletely redone by me. If I didn't have the time to do it myself, then I definitely do not have the time to redo it.
Wave 2 is essentially me. I'm doing it. Simly because I can no longer trust anyone to do it. And, I'm falling behind. I don't have the time to sit in from of my computer and model these ships out, so many of the Wave 2 model are not done.

It's not so much money as it is time. I do not have the time for Xtreme Hobby at the moment. I need to take a few and figure out the answers to some of these questions.

Now, what does this mean to you? Cold Navy is not going away. I'm not selling it off nor am I going to box it up and shove it into my attic.
It does mean, however, that I'm taking a break. Addressing some of these issues, those that can be addressed. And, after a while, hit this thing on the head again.

When are we coming back? I don't know. I'm not going to shine you on by saying 'soon.' I just don't know. If i can't put out a good product, then, I'm not putting out a product.

What you can do to help? Believe me, if you could help, I'd let you. But, then, I'd have to pay you and there's a ton of legal felgercarb that I'd have to deal with. All I can ask is this:
You've already got Cold Navy ships. Paint 'em, play with 'em, enjoy 'em. Try to have a good time with your friends with them. Use them for what they were ment for- to have fun with.
Take pics of your ships and show them off here in our forums. Take a few moments and write up some battle reports and maybe a scenario or two so that others can see what your doing with the ship you've bought.
Just play, Folks. Just Play.

There you go. That's the tall skinny of it. I hope that answers some of your questions. I'll be stopping in often to keep up with you folks (I ain't dead yet), so, I'll try to answer what other questions you may have.



(3 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

I can see the benefit of knowing where your opponent is going to move. However, The tailing rules are meant to be simple, like the rest of the game.  This Ain't Blue Max, Man.

There are no rules in the "full game" that aren't in the demo, you simply get the bonus stuff in the full game, like plane quirks and special maneuvers. The game is completely playable with only the demo rules and the provided plane record cards.

There may be room for more complicated tailing rules, but in my experience (as a WWI flying ace :wink:), tailing is a difficult thing to get and the -1 target number is bonus enough for anyone. Here's the chart 'case you care...

Targ Turn    Turn    Turn    Turn
#    1        2        3        4
2    150%    200%    250%    300%
3    133%    167%    200%    233%
4    125%    150%    175%    200%
5    120%    140%    160%    180%
6    117%    133%    150%    167%

In other words, if your target number is 4, and you've been tailing for 2 turns, you're 150% more likely to hit the target with each shot so you become a force to be reckoned with each turn you have him in your front arc and you are in his rear arc.

Note, that you need not be capable of hitting, simply in the correct arcs.

That said, I guess you could implement Dan's suggested tailing rule as an optional rule, but I wouldn't recommend using the +1 too.  Either one or t'other but not both.[/i]


(11 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

I'll let you know how the Academy kits look when I get them next week.

They're about all I could see that had WWI fighters in 1/72

anyway, I still like C-in-C

let me know how the first couple of games go smile


(3 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)

no, there arent' any more rules for tailing.

Each turn your front arc is in the enemy's rear arc, you are tailing. You're +1 to hit for each turn tailing. 

That's all, simple and yet difficult to even get to the point where you are actually tailing smile


(4 replies, posted in Aces at Dawn)


And it even has an entry already.


No well-planned set of rules survives an initial release.


Recent additions:




(4 replies, posted in Starmada)

Anyone know what's up with this?


Mike?  You out there?
